Page 42 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 42

XXX Chinese Pottery and Porcelain

MARTi>r, Dr., Note on a Sassanian Ewer, Burlington. Magazine, September, 1912.

Meyer, A. B., " On the Celadon Question," Oesterreichische Monatssdirifi, Januarj^,

        1885, etc.

Morgan, J. P., Catalogue of the Morgan Collection of Chinese Porcelains, by S. W,
      Bushell and \V. M. Laffan. New York, 1907.

Paris, Exposition univcrselle de 1878, Catalogue spteial de la Collection Chinoise.

Perzynski, F., "Towards a Grouping of Chinese Porcelain," Burlington Magazine,
       October and December, 1910, etc.

Perzynski, F., " Jagd auf Gotter," in the Neue Rundschau, October, 1913.
Perzynski, F., on T'ang Forgeries, Ostasialischer Zeitschrift, January, 1914.

Read, C. H., in Man, 1901, No. 15, " On a T'ang Vase and Two Mirrors from a Tomb

        in Shensi."

Reinaud, M., " Relation des Voyages fails par les Arabes et les Persans dans I'lnde
       et k la Chine dans la IX® si^cle de I'ere chretienne." Paris, 1845.

Solon, L., "The Noble Buccaros," North Staffordshire Literary and Pliilosophic

        Society, October 23rd, 1896.
Torrance, Rev. Th., " Burial Customs in Szechuan," Journal of the N. China

        Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XLI., 1910, p. 58.

VoRETzscH, E. A., Hamburgisches Museum fiir Kunst und Gewerbe, Fiihrer durch

        cine Ausstellung Chinesischer Kunst, 1913.
Williams, Mrs. R. S., Introductory Note to the Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition

      of Chinese, Corean, and Japanese Potteries held by the Japan Society of New

         York, 1914.

ZiMMERMANN, E., " Wanu ist das Chincsische Porzellan erfundcn und wer war sein

         Erfinder ? " Orientalisches Archiv. Sonderabdruck.
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