P. 6


                                       WHO WILL FIGHT FOR THE WOMAN’S BURDEN?

            WHAT FACTION IS BRAVE ENOUGH?                                            ISN’T IT TIME WE
            Which faction is brave enough to fight for the woman’s burden!           END CENSORSHIP?

               We live in a repressed nation   need a faction that not only
            and Mr. Anthony Comstock thinks    fights for equal wages and safe       I must speak in code, so I
            he can continue to have            work conditions, but also fights      hope you’ve had your
            complete control over women,       for women to have the same            training. When I tell you,
            and their bodies.  We need a       freedom men have over their           it’s raining, I hope you
            faction that stands up against this   own bodies.  No one should         know what that means.
            comstockian rule to ensure         control the woman’s body, but         When I tell you a woman
            women get complete freedom in      the woman herself. The burden of
            this nation. Women need            her sexuality is hers’ alone. The     screams in the dark,
            complete                                              burden of          would that light a spark,
            freedom, and                                          her                so that we won’t end up
            this does not          THE WOMAN NEEDS A              cleanliness        in jail? Shhh…they’re

            only include      FACTION TO FIGHT FOR ALL            is hers’           listening…for things we
            the right to       HER NEEDS; NOT JUST FOR            alone, and         shouldn’t say…just
            vote, but it         HER FAIR WAGES, SAFE             the burden
            also includes                                         of her giving      waiting to take us away.
            equal pay,       WORKING CONDITIONS, AND              birth to           Men have all the
            and control          NOT ONLY HER VOTE.               children is        control, and women
            over her body                                         her own.           need to be free. It’s past
            along with her freedom of choice   What faction is brave enough to       time for changes so
            over family limitations.           step into the role to help fight for   come and join me. We
                                               real freedom for women? Will it
                                                                                     need a revolution, and I
               Working class women go out      be the Suffrage faction? Will it be
            to make a wage in hopes to help    the Labor faction? Will it be up to     hear it in the air. The
            their husbands feed their children   independents? Only time will tell.   whispers over tea
            and help pay their bills. Women                                          leaves…it isn’t only
                                                                                     women that care.

                           By Margaret Sanger
                           (Rachel Ruddies)
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