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Early Learning Goals Summary


                 ,social and               Communication                    Physical                                                                                Understanding

                 emotional                 and Language                     Development                  Literacy                   Mathematics                     the world                    Expressive arts
                 development                                                                                                                                                                     and design

                 Making                    Listening and                    Moving and                   Reading                    Numbers                          People and                  Exploring and using

                 relationships.            attention                        Handling                        1Joins in with            1Shows an interest             communities                 media and materials
                                                                              1Can stand                    repeated                  in number
                    1 Initiates               1 Listens to others             momentarily on                refrains and              problems.                        1Shows interest              1Enjoys joining in

                    conversations,            one to one or in                one foot when                 anticipates key           2Separates a group               in the lives of              with dancing and
                    attends to and            small groups, when              shown.                        events and                of three or four                 people who are               ring games.
                                                                                                            phrases in
                    takes account             conversation                                                  rhymes and                objects in different                                          2Sings a few
                    of what others            interests them.                 2Can catch a                  stories.                  ways, beginning to               familiar to them.

                    say.                      2Listens to stories             large ball.                                             Recognise that the               2Remembers and               familiar songs.

                    2 Explains                with increasing                 3Draws lines and              2Beginning to             total is still the               talks about                  3Beginning to move
                                                                                                            be aware of the
                    own                       attention and recall.           circles using                                           same.                            significant                  rhythmically.
                    knowledge                 3Joins in with                  gross motor                   way stories are           3Shows an interest               events in their              4Imitates
                    and                       repeated refrains               movements.                    structured.                                                own experience.              movement in

                    understanding,            and anticipates key             4Uses one-                    3Suggests how             in numerals in the               3Recognises and              response to music.
                    and asks                  events and phrases              handed tools and              the story might           environment.                     describes special            5Taps out simple
                    appropriate               in rhymes and                   equipment, e.g.               end.                      4Shows an interest               times or events

                    questions of              stories.                        makes snips in                4Listens to               in representing                  for family or                repeated rhythms.
                    others.                                                   paper with child              stories with              numbers.                         friends.                     6Explores and

                    3 Takes steps             4Focusing attention             scissors.                     increasing                5Realises not only               4Shows interest              learns how sounds
                                              – still listen or do,
                    to resolve                but can shift own               5Holds pencil                                           objects, but                     in different                 can be changed.
                    conflicts with            attention.                      between thumb                 attention and             anything can be                  occupations and              7Explores colour

                    other children,                                                                         recall.                   counted, including               ways of life.                and how colours
                    e.g. finding a            5 Is able to follow             and two fingers,              5Describes                                                 5Knows some of               can be changed.
                    compromise.               directions (if not              no longer using               main story                steps, claps or                  the things that              8Understands that

                   Early                      intently focused on             whole-hand                    settings, events          jumps.                           make them                    they can use lines to
                                              own choice of
                   Learning Goal                                              grasp.                        and principal             6 Recognises
                                              activity).                      6Holds pencil                 characters.               numerals 1 to 5.                 unique, and can              enclose a space, and

                                                                              near point                                                                               talk about some              then begin to use

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