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Early Learning Goals Summary
positive terms 9 Beginning to 12Shows read from left 15Finds the total among families, 16Explores what
and talk about understand ‘why’ and increasing control to right and top number of items in communities happens when they
abilities. ‘how’ questions. over an object in to bottom. two groups by and traditions. mix colours.
pushing, patting, 13Continues a counting all of them. 17 Experiments to
Early 10Responds to throwing, rhyming string. 16Says the number The world create different
catching or
Learning Goal instructions kicking it. 14Hears and that is one more 8Comments and textures.
involving a two-part
7 Children sequence. 13Uses simple says the initial than a given asks questions 18Understands that
are confident sound in number. about aspects of different media can
to try new 11 Understands tools to effect words. 17Finds one more or their familiar be combined to
activities, and humour, e.g. changes to 15Can segment one less from a world such as the create new effects.
say why they nonsense rhymes, materials. the sounds in group of up to five place where they 19Manipulates
like some jokes. 14Handles tools, simple words objects, then ten live or the materials to achieve
activities 12Able to follow a objects, and blend them objects. natural world. a planned effect.
more than story without construction and together and 18In practical 9Can talk about 20Constructs with a
others. They pictures or props. malleable knows which activities and some of the purpose in mind,
are confident 13Listens and materials safely letters discussion, things they have using a variety of
to speak in a responds to ideas and with represent some beginning to use the observed such as resources.
familiar expressed by others increasing of them. vocabulary involved plants, animals, 21Uses simple tools
group, will in conversation or control. 16Links in adding and natural and and techniques
talk about discussion. 15Shows a sounds to subtracting. found objects. competently and
their ideas, preference for a letters, naming 19Records, using 10Talks about appropriately.
and will Early Learning dominant hand. and sounding why things 22Selects
choose the the letters of marks that they can happen and how appropriate
resources they Goal 16Begins to use the alphabet. interpret and resources and
need for their 14 Children follow anticlockwise 17Begins to explain. things work. adapts work where
chosen instructions movement and read words and 20Begins to identify 11Developing an necessary.
activities. involving several retrace vertical simple own mathematical understanding of 23Selects tools and
They say ideas or actions. lines. sentences. problems based on growth, decay techniques needed
when they do They answer ‘how’ 17Begins to form 18 Uses own interests and and changes over to shape, assemble
or don’t need and ‘why’ questions vocabulary and fascinations. time. and join materials
help. about their recognisable forms of 12Shows care they are using.
experiences and in letters. speech that are Early Learning and concern for
response to stories or 18Uses a pencil increasingly Goal Early Learning
events. and holds it influenced by Goal