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Early Learning Goals Summary

                    4 Children                6Maintains                      between first two             6Shows                    7 Counts up to                   of the similarities          these shapes to
                    play co-                  attention,                      fingers and                   interest in               three or four                    and differences              represent objects.

                    operatively,              concentrates and                thumb and uses it             illustrations             objects by saying                in relation to               9Beginning to be
                    taking turns              sits quietly during             with good                     and print in              one number name                  friends or family.           interested in and
                    with others.              appropriate activity.           control.                      books and print           for each item.                   6Enjoys joining              describe the texture

                    They take                 7Two-channelled                 7Can copy some                in the                                                                                  of things.
                    account of                attention – can                 letters, e.g. letters         environment.              8 Counts actions or              in with family               10Uses various
                    one another’s             listen and do for               from their name.              7 Recognises              objects that cannot              customs and
                    ideas about                                               8Experiments                  familiar words            be moved                         routines.                    construction

                    how to                    short span.                                                   and signs such            9 Counts objects to                                           materials.
                                                                                                            as own name
                    organise their          Early Learning                    with different                and advertising           10, beginning to               Early Learning                 11Beginning to
                    activity. They          Goal                              ways of moving.               logos.                    count beyond 10.               Goal                           construct, stacking

                    show                                                      9Jumps off an                                                                            7 Children talk              blocks vertically
                    sensitivity to         8 Children listen                  object and lands              8Looks at                 10 Counts up to six                                           and horizontally,
                    others’ needs          attentively in a range             appropriately.                books                     objects from a                   about past and               making enclosures
                    and feelings,          of situations. They                10Negotiates                  independently.            larger group.                    present events               and creating spaces.

                    and form               listen to stories,                 space                         9Handles                 11 Selects the                    in their own                 12Joins
                    positive               accurately                         successfully                  books                    correct numeral to                lives and in the             construction pieces

                    relationships          anticipating key                   when playing                  carefully.               represent 1 to 5,                 lives of family              together to build
                    with adults            events and respond                 racing and                    10Knows                  then 1 to 10 objects.             members. They                and balance.
                    and other              to what they hear                  chasing games                 information              12Counts an                       know that other
                    children.              with relevant                      with other                                             irregular                         children don’t               13Realises tools can

                 Self-confidence           comments, questions                children,                     can be relayed           arrangement of up to              always enjoy                 be used for a
                 and self-                 or actions. They give              adjusting speed               in the form of           ten objects.                      the same things,             purpose.

                 awareness                 their attention to                 or changing                   print.                                                     and are
                     5 Confident to        what others say and                direction to avoid            11Holds books            13 Estimates how                  sensitive to this.           14Begins to build a
                                                                                                                                     many objects they
                     speak to              respond                            obstacles.                    the correct way                                                                         repertoire of songs
                     others about          appropriately, while               11Travels with                up and turns             can see and checks                They know                    and dances.
                                                                                                                                     by counting them.
                     own needs,            engaged in another                 confidence and                pages.                                                     about                        15Explores the

                     wants,                activity.                          skill around,                 12Knows that             14Uses the language               similarities and             different sounds of
                     interests and                                            under, over and               print carries            of ‘more’ and                     differences                  instruments.
                     opinions.             Understanding                      through balancing             meaning and,             ‘fewer’ to compare                between

                     6Can describe                                            and climbing                  in English, is           two sets of objects.              themselves and

                     self in                                                  equipment.                                                                               others, and

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