Page 114 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 114

Work in pairs. Student B: turn to page             ;í11 Complete the sentences with when or while.
                         171. Student A: listen to Student B and
                                                                                  ÿ The weather was great while we were in Turkey.
                         complete the sentence with although                      1 _I saw Katie, I waved at her.
                         or because and one of the endings                        2 Someone's phone rang_I was speaking.
                         from the table. Then swap roles.                         3 _they were at the beach, they went

                                                                                  4 _the teacher asked him a question, he
                 he was at the beach                                                 couldn t remember the answer.
                                                                                  5 My sister turned off the television-1 was
                 he wasn't working
                                                                                     watching it.
                 he was feeling hot                                               6 _the water boiled, Julia made some tea.
                                                                                  7 Frank listened to the radio_he was
                 he was afraid of flying
                                                                                     cooking dinner.
                 he was tired                                                     8 _he'd finished his research, he wrote the
                 She didn't live in a big house                             ;; .1 2 Complete the sentences 1 -6 about the pictures.
                                                                                  Use when or while.
                 She was crying

                 She won the prize

                 She finished the book quickly

                 She missed the film

                  He travelled by traiÿ ...

                          because tie was afraid of fly                            a cycle/to work             d the ambulance/arrive

            When, while

           We use while to talk about an event in progress when
           another event happens.
           While John was skiing, he broke his leg.
           I visited Paris while I was in France.
                                                                                   b see/the accident           e be/at the hospital
           We use when to talk about an event that happens
           immediately before another event.
            When I got home, I did my homework.
           He was excited when he heard the news.

            If the when or while clause comes first, we put a comma
            between the two clauses. We don't use a comma if the
           when or while clause comes at the end.
            While John was skiing, he broke his leg.
           John broke his leg while he was skiing.
                                                                                   c wait for/the               f feel/better

                                                                                   while he was cycling to wor\z , he had an accident.
                                                                                  _ , she called an ambulance.
                                                                                  _ , they talked.
                                                                                  _, it took him to hospital.
                                                                                  _ , he watched a lot ofTV.
                                                                                  _ ,  he went home.

          112 Connectors
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