Page 117 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 117

Read the sentences. Complete the second                           3 A It's Oscar's.
                sentence so that it means the same as the first.                     B It's a geography book.
                Use no more than two words.                                          C It's Oscar.

                ÿ It was cold but he wasn't wearing a coat .                      4 A Yes, Ido.
                  Although it was cold, he wasn't wearing a coat.
                                                                                     B I go to secondary school.
                1 Who does that car belong to?
                                                                                     C I go to the Mansion School.
                   _ is that car?
                2 I know you can't swim.                                          5 A It's Emily's piano.
                   You can't swim,_?                                                 B It's Emily.
                   He can't play football because he's hurt his leg.                 C She's playing some classical music.
                   He's hurt his leg,_he can't play football.
                                                                                  6 A Yes, I do.
                   She was talking to someone with long hair.
                                                                                     B Me too.
                  The person_talking to had long hair.
                   John phoned me during dinner.                                     C No, it isn't.
                   John phoned_I was having dinner.
                                                                                  o R5.2 Listen to sentences 1-6. Do sentences a-f
                                                                                  have the same meaning? Write Yes or No.
                        Read the extract from an email. Then write
                f       an email about a place you would like                     ÿ Although I was tired, I played football.             O
                        to visit.                                                 a You re sixteen, aren t you?
                                                                                  b This is the person who helped us.
                                                                                  c We ate dinner and then watched TV.
                   I would like to visit Italy because I'm interested
                                                                                  d I don't like tea or coffee.
                   in history. It is a place where you can see a lot
                                                                                  e A doctor visited Jill.
                   of fascinating towns and buildings. Although
                                                                                  f I didn't buy the phone because it was
                   I don't speak Italian, I would like to live there
                                                                                     too expensive.
                   one day.


                                                                                  Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions to
                                                                                  complete your text. Use the question words in
                                                                                  the box. Student A: look at page 169 for answers.
                                                                                  Student B: look at page 171 for answers.

                                                                                  Student A
                                                                                     what what time who whose why

                                                                                  Andy arrived home at_o,clock. He was tired
                                                                                  because_He was also hungry. He found
                                                                                  some_in the fridge. While he was eating,
            Listening                                                             _ arrived.        ' Oh no! What are you doing?' said
                                                                                  his mum. It was_'s birthday cake.
                ©R5.1 Listen to the questions and choose the
                                                                                    what tívu¿ did Ai-vdy arrive hom¿?
                correct answer A, B or C.
                   A When it was hot.
                   B  Because it was hot.                                         Student B
                   C  Although it was hot.                                           what what time who whose why

                   A  Porten years.                                               Emma got up at-o'clock. She was in a hurry

                   B  Ten years ago.                                              because_She picked up_and went
                   C  In ten years.                                               to school. On the bus,           sat next to her.
                                                                                   That's not your bag, is it?' Emma looked at it.
                   A  We saw some interesting animals.
                                                                                  It was_'s bag.
                   B  Mary saw me.
                   C  I saw Mary.                                                   what tivu¿ did get up?

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