Page 119 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 119

First conditional                                                    6 Write if in the correct place to complete the
                                                                                  sentences. Add a comma or capital letter if
           We use the first conditional to talk about a possible                  necessary.
           future situation and its result.                                         tf
           If it/s sunny tomorrow, we,ll go for a picnic                          ÿ fjt rains we won't play tennis .
           If Max wants to come, I'll buy another ticket.                           3
                                                                                  ÿ she'll leave our school/ ,her parents move to
           We use the present tense in the if clause but a future
           tense in the main clause.                                                 London.

             Future condition             Result                                  1 you go swimming I'll come with you.

           If + present simple           will                                     2 he'll be late there's a lot of traffic.

           If I'm tired tonight,         I'll  goto bed early.
                                                                                  3 they'll laugh you tell that joke.
           If you don't do your          your teacher will be very
           homework,                     annoyed.                                 4 we'll remember him we see him.

                                                                                  5 you don't like this programme we'll watch
           We do not use will in the if clause.
           If I will be tired tonight, I'll go to bed early.                         something else.
           If I'm tired tonight, I'll go to bed early.
                                                                                  6 the post office is busy we won't wait.
           Remember, we can put the if clause second. Use a
           comma when the if clause comes first.                                  7 we won't start dinner Sue isn't here.
           We'll miss the train if you're late.
           If you're late, we'll miss the train.                                  8 the car isn't repaired we won't drive to Scotland.

                                                                               7 O 21.3 Complete the sentences with the correct
                                                                                  form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check.       O
            4 O 21.2 Listen to Louise and complete the .
                sentences with the phrases in the box.                            ÿ If you sell your bike, you,ll aet a lot of money.
                                                                                     (sell, get)
                   will do some                will play computer                 1 If they_late, we_the film, (arrive,
                    gardening                   games                                miss)
                   will go for a walk          wlU-piay tennis                    2 I_angry if Emily_for me. (be, not
                   will goto the cinema        will read her book                    wait)
                                                                                  3 If you_down, we_(not slow, crash)
                If her aunt and uncle come, Louise willplfltj                     4 Ted_silly if he_that hat. (look, wear)
                tenuis. Her brother'_and her                                      5 If Jack_the book, I_it to him.
                parents2_                                                            (need, lend)
                If they don't come, Louise3_,                                     6 If you_that watch, we_                  you a new
                her brother4-                  and her parents                       one. (lose, not buy)
                5                                                                 7 Lucy_the race if she                   harder.
                                                                                     (not win, not train)
             5 Circle the correct option. O                                       8 They_you if you_                  to them like that.

                                                                                     (not help, talk)
                ÿ If she invites / will invite me , I'll go.
                1 If Tony passes his test, he buys / he'll buy a car.
                2 She'll earn a lot of money if she wins / she'll win
                   the competition.
                3 If you go to the shops tomorrow, I meet / I'll meet
                   you there.
                4 If he doesn't / won't understand, I'll explain it.
                5 We'll miss/We miss the film if the train is late.
                6 If you don't / won't listen, you won't learn.
                7 If you cook dinner, I / I'll do the washing-up.
                8 They won't pass their exams if they don't / won't
                   work harder.

                                                                                                                             Unit 21 117
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