Page 123 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 123

3 O 22.1 Listen and number the pictures.                           5 W Give advice to the people in exercise 4.
                                                                                           Write sentences using If I were you.

                                                                                  1 if i were iaou ,  I'd call the police.
                                                                                     -»  rj   ' - >
                                                                                  2 _
                                                                                  3 _
                                                                                  4 _
                                                                                  5 _
                                                                                  6 _

                                                                             .i  6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of >r
                                                                                  the verbs in brackets.                               O

                                                                                  ÿ If I joined a gym ,  \'d net fit, (join, get)
                                                                                  1 If Jill_her, Sally_with her. (invite, go)
                                                                                  2 We_at six, if we_home at four
                                                                                     thirty, (arrive, leave)
                                                                                  3 If you_football, we _                 each other on
                                                                                     Saturdays, (not like, not see)
                                                                                  4 Sam_the book if it_                   500 pages.
                                                                                     (not read, have)
                                                                                  5 If we_the parcel first class, it          _ five
                                                                                     pounds, (send, cost)
                                                                                  6 Anna_for the job if she_it.
                                                                                     (not apply, not want)
                                                                                  7 If I_very rich, I                a Ferrari, (become,
                                                                                     not buy)
                                                                                  8 If the internet_        ., homework      _ much
                                                                                     more difficult! (not work, be)
                                                                                  9 If Max_a basketball player, he_his
                                                                                     job. (be, love)
                                                                                 10 I_my hand up if I_the answer.
                                                                                     (not put, not know)

                                                                                            Work in pairs. Say the first part of a
                                                                                            conditional sentence, using if and
                                                                                            a situation in the box. Your partner
                                                                                            completes the sentence.
            4 ©22.1 Listen again. What would the people do
                in each case? Complete the sentences with the                      You are ill and you have an exam.
                correct form of the verbs in the box.                              A stranger speaks to you in a foreign language.
                   complain to do homework look for                                You drop your phone in a river.
                                                                                   Someone in front of you drops litter on the street.
                   run away send a text message to tell
                                                                                   Your friend doesn't invite you to his party.
                   f he saw someone stealing a book in a shop,                     You wait for a bus but it doesn't come.
                   he'd tell                  the shop assistant.                  You walk past a house and hear an alarm ringing.
                   f her teacher didn't come to her class,                         You can't find a clean shirt for school.

                3  f he couldn't open the bathroom door,
                                                                                    if i was ill flfvd i had aia. exam-, ...
                   _his parents.
                4 f she broke a window in her parents' house,
                                                                                                   kKwrn, would ÿhoiÿe the school.

                   f his food was cold,_                            the
                   f she found a wallet in the street,
                   _ the name and address.

                                                                                                                             Unit 22 121
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