Page 125 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 125

I wish

                            can use I wish to talk about how I want situations to be different.

          I wish + past simple

                                                                                             We use I wish + the past simple
                                                                                             when we aren t happy with a present
                                                                                             situation and want it to be different.
                                                                                             I m tired. -»I wish I wasn't tired.
                                                                                             We can also use were instead of was.
                                                                                             I wish I were toller.
                                                                                             This tastes too sweet. I wish it tasted
                                                                                             less sweet.
                                                                                             The bus arrives late every day. I wish
                                                                                             the bus didn't arrive late every day.
                                                                                             They can't speak English. -> I wish they
                                                                                             could speak English.

                O 23.1 Listen and number the pictures.                       .Í 3 Read the problems and complete the sentences
                                                                                  using I wish.

                                                                                  ÿ The book is on the top shelf and I can't reach it.
                                                                                      i wish i was              taller.
                                                                                  1 That magazine costs £5. It's too expensive for me.
                                                                                     _ less.
                                                                                  2 I can't carry this box. It's too heavy.
                                                                                  3 I'd like to sing well but I can't.
                                                                                     _ better.
                                                                                  4 It's raining and I'm getting wet.
                                                                                     _ an umbrella.
                                                                                  5 We live in London. It"s too big and too noisy
                                                                                     for me.
                Complete the sentences with the correct form of                      _ in London.
                                                                tm or
                the verb in bold.                                                 6 My best friend goes to a different school.
                ÿ My bike is blue. I wish it was red.            O                   _to my school.
                1 I speak English. I wish I also_Chinese.                         7 I don't understand him. He's speaking German.
                2 We study history. I wish we_geography.                             _ German.
                3 I know the first answer. I wish I_the                           8 I have to walk to school but it's a long way.
                   second one.                                                       _ walk to school.
                4 I can swim. I wish I_dive as well.
                   We get up early. I wish we           up later.            S4            Write some wishes for yourself. Use the
                6 There are a lot of films on TV. I wish there                             ideas below or your own ideas.
                   more documentaries.
                7 I sit at the back of the class. I wish I_      at                get up later live in (town/country)
                   the front.                                                      speak (language) get less homework
                8 You can hear my voice. I wish you-see                            can draw can play the piano
                   my face.

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