Page 129 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 129

Comparison: adjectives and adverbs

                            can use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs.

          Comparative and superlative adjectives

           We use the comparative adjective with                             We use the superlative adjective with the
           than to compare two people or things.                             when we compare three or more things.

                           Pete is stronger than Tim.                                         But Max is the strongest.

           We can use the comparative to compare two groups.                 It's the tallest building in my town.
           Doctors ore richer than nurses.                                  Amy is the most intelligent person in the class.
           Paris is more beautiful than Manchester.
                                                                             We use of before other nouns.
           With the superlative, we use the before the adjective.            It was the funniest film of the year.
           I ' ve got three brothers. Mike is the oldest.
                                                                             We can also use superlatives with the phrase
            Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.
                                                                             I ve ever...
            The Simpsons'is the most enjoyable programme on TV.
                                                                             This is the most interesting book Ifve ever read.
           After the adjective, we use in before places or nouns
                                                                             See Reference page 175 for the spelling rules.
           for a group of people (e.g. team, family).

             1 Write the comparative forms of the adjectives.                  2 Write the superlative forms of the adjectives.

                   cheap cheaper                7 difficult                          clean      the clearest          7 new
                   old                          8 hard                               big                              8 sad
                   hot _                        9 healthy                            lucky                            9 bad
                   easy _                     10 thin                                popular                         10 special
                   exciting _                 11 bad                                 cold                            11 fresh
                   late _                     12 useful                              noisy                           12 good
                   good _                                                            boring

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