Page 130 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 130

Match 1-10 with a-j.                                              7 This is_                 village in the whole
                                                                                     country, (pretty)
                1 The burger is
                                                                                  8 MrsSymonsis_                      teacher in the
                2 I think skiing is more
                                                                                     school, (good)
                3 The computer is the most_
                                                                                  9 Taxis are_                  buses, (expensive)
                4  I bought the_
                                                                                 10 Biology is_                 _ of all my subjects at
                5 Is China the_
                                                                                     school, (interesting)
                6 Swimming is_
                7 It was the happiest day_
                                                                               6 Write the sentences.
                8 The President is the most important person-
                                                                                  ÿ Jamie-funny-Henry
                9 Is America_
               10 My phone is more_                                                   )am.le Is funnler than Htenry.
                                                                                  ÿ He-famous person - my town

                   better for your health than playing rugby.                         He Is the knost famous -person In atu town.
                b  cheapest T-shirt in the shop.                                  1 Russia - big - Korea
                c  in my country.
                d  modern than yours.                                             2 Russia-big country-the world

                e  more expensive than Britain?
                f  cheaper than the pizza.                                        3 A computer-useful - a phone

                g  of her life.
                h useful invention ever.                                          4 Eiffel Tower - interesting building - Paris
                i biggest country in the world?
                j dangerous than riding a horse.                                  5 Your shoes - dirty - mine

           24   O 24.1 Listen and complete the table with ÿ,        ©             6 Lucy-good musician-orchestra
                ÿ ÿ or ÿ ÿ ÿ.
                                                                                  7 Monday-bad day-the week
                                     Beth       Dora       Rosy

                 friendly            ÿ ÿÿ       ÿ ÿ         ÿ                     8 Health - important - money

                 good at sport

                 intelligent                                                 $7             Work in pairs. Say an adjective from the
                                                                                            box. Your partner uses it in a sentence
                                                                                            about someone in his or her family.
                 popular                                                             confident friendly funny good at sport

                O 24.2 Complete the sentences with the                               intelligent old tall thin
                comparative or superlative form of the adjective
                ÿ My room is tidier than my brother's, (tidy) O                     Funny
                in brackets. Listen and check.

                                                                                              My dad Is the funniest
                ÿ Isabel has the tidiest desk in the office , (tidy)
                1 I think this is_train in the world!                                         person In nÿy family.
                   Ed looks_Oscar, (thin)
                   Football is                  cricket, (exciting)                                                       Old
                   Football is                  sport in the world.
                                                                                    My brother Is older than nu.
                   This is_                d ay of the year, (hot)
                   I think we'll win. That team is
                   ours, (bad)

          128 Comparison: adjectives and adverbs
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