Page 127 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 127

Units 21-23                                                Exam preparation

            Reading and writing

                Choose the correct letter A, B or C to complete the               Read the sentences. Complete the second
                sentences.                                                        sentence so that it means the same as the first.
                ÿ If I get up late, I normally_breakfast.                         ÿ My mum hasn't got a car ,  so she doesn t drive
                   A don't eat B won't eat C wouldn't eat                            to work.
                                                                                     If my mum Wad               a car, she
                1 If she was tired, she_to bed.                                                       _
                                                                                     would drive to work.
                   A went B will go C would go
                2 I wish I_the answer.                                            1 I can never go abroad on holiday, but I'd like to.
                   A know B knew C would know                                        I wish_abroad on holiday.

                3 If we find your wallet, we_you.                                 2 You don't get up early enough, so you always
                   A phone B will phone C would phone                                miss the bus.

                4 I'd be very unhappy if they_me.                                    If you got up earlier, you_the bus.
                   A don't invite B didn't invite C wouldn't invite
                                                                                  3 I think it's going to rain, so we probably won't
                5 You won't win if you_try harder.                                   play tennis.
                   A don't B won't C wouldn't                                        If it_, we won't play tennis.

                6 I wish he_the window. It's cold in here.
                                                                                  4 He always shouts. I don't like it.
                   A closed B will close C would close
                                                                                     I wish he_
            2 Choose the correct letter A, B or C to complete the                 5 This book is boring, so I'm going to watch TV.
                sentences.                                                           If the book_boring, I wouldn't
                                                                                     watch TV.
                ÿ If it rains, c
                              _  _
                   A I'd get wet.                                                 6 I may go shopping and buy a new bag.
                   B he needed an umbrella.                                          If I go shopping, I-a new bag.
                 © I'll go to Jane's house.
                                                                               4 Read the email from a friend. Then write a reply
                1 We'll be late_
                                                                                  about your plans for the weekend.
                   A if you don't hurry.
                   B if the train didn't come.
                   C if we won't take a taxi.                                        Hi Jim

                2 I wish I_                                                          I ' m looking forward to the weekend. We re
                   A spoke Chinese.                                                  going to Bournemouth and I think the
                   B wouldn't feel ill.                                              weather will be good. If it s hot, we ll go to the
                   C wiH be taWer.                                                   beach anci play cricket. But there are lots of
                                                                                     shops there, so if the weather is bad, we ll go
                3 If my sister cooked dinner,_
                                                                                     shopping. I wish you could come too!
                   A I'll tidy the living room.
                   B it tasted nice.                                                 See you soon.
                   C I'd do the washing-up.                                          Sam
                4 I would like school more_
                   A if we don't wear school uniform.
                   B if we played sport every day.
                   C if lessons would start later.

                5 If Max helps us tomorrow,-
                   A we'll finish the job quickly.
                   B it is much easier.
                   C I'd pay him some money.

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