Page 124 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 124

First or second conditional?

           We use the first conditional to talk about future                 We use the second conditional to talk about present
           situations that are likely or possible.                           or future situations that are unlikely or imaginary.
           If you want a cake, I'll make one.                                If the weather was better today, we'd go for a picnic.
           If it's sunny tomorrow, we'll play tennis.                        I never take my phone to school. If it rang in class, my
           Switch your phone off! If it rings in class, your teacher         teacher would be very cross.
           will be very cross.

           ;i 8 O 22.2 Match 1 -9 with a-j. Listen and check.
                ÿ  If they watch that film, e                                     a if you drop them.
                1  If there was a problem with my phone,                          b my brother will repair it.
                2 If you clean the car,_                                          c if your phone rang in class.
                3 I'l l make dinner tonight_                     O                d I'll pay you five pounds.
                4  If you got every answer right,_                                e they ll love it.
                5 If your parents heard that song,_                               f I'd take it back to the shop.
                6 I'd  lend you my bike_                                          g your teacher would be very surprised.
                7  Those eggs will break_                                         h if you're tired.
                8 Your teacher wouldn't laugh_                                    i they probably wouldn't like it.
                9 If your bike doesn't work,_                                     j if you needed it.

                First or second conditional? Complete the                                  Are the situations likely or unlikely?
                sentences using the verbs in brackets.                                     Write a sentence for each situation.
                                       \'d nÿarze her an omelette.
                ÿ If Linda liked eggs,
                   (make)                                                          You goto university
                ÿ If my dad turns the TV off , I'll go to bed. (turn)              You become a professional footballer
                                                                                   Your parents move to New York
                1 If they drive to Spain, it_a long time, (take)                   School finishes early
                2 If George_red boots, he would look silly.                        You lose your phone
                                                                                   A famous person visits your house
                3 If they_in five minutes, they'll miss dinner.
                                                                                   There is an earthquake in your town
                   (not leave)
                                                                                   You don't wake up on time
                4 If you buy a cake, I_it! (eat)
                5 If Mandy knew me, I think she             me. (like)               if I go to university , I'll study ninths.
                6 If we_    _this match, we'll play in the final
                   next week, (win)
                7 If you haven't got the map, you_their
                   house, (not find)
                8 If Ted worked harder, he_about exams.
                                                                                       Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                   (not worry)
                9 If Ryan_tired, he would play football with                                                                 u ÿ ÿ
                   his friends, (not feel)
               10 If Tanya_the doctor, she won't get better.
                   (not visit)

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