Page 118 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 118

Zero and first conditional

                           I can use the zero and first conditional to talk about situations and results.

          Zero conditional

               if the su-i/v shines through
                                                    it will be                We use the zero conditional to talk about things that
               rah*,, it creates a rainbow.
                                                    If the sut/vshii-ves      are always true - for example, habits or scientific facts.
               will we see a rainbow today?
                                                    today.                    If you heat chocolate, it melts.
                                                                              If my dad wakes up early, he goes for a run.

                                                                              To form the zero conditional, we use the present tense
                                                                              in the if clause and in the main clause.

                                                                               If+ present simple         present simple

                                                                               If it rains,               we don t do PE.
                                                                               If 1 have an exam          1 revise very hard.

                                                                              We can put the if clause at the start or end of the
           We use conditional sentences to talk about the result              sentence. When the if clause comes first, we put a
           of a possible situation.                                           comma between the two clauses.
                                                                              If he's on holiday, he gets up late.
             Possible situation ('condition')     Result                      He gets up late if he's on holiday.

             If I'm tired,                        1 go to bed early.

                © 21.1 Look at the rules from a radio quiz show.
                Match the beginnings 1 -6 to the endings a-f.                     a you lose one point.
                Then listen and check.                             O              b you get two extra points.

                1 If you give a correct answer,...     c                          c you get two points,
                                                     _  _
                2 If you give a wrong answer,... _                                d he or she gets one point.
                3 If you don't answer in ten seconds,... _                        e there is one more question, and the first person
                4 If the next player answers correctly,... _                         to answer correctly is the winner.
                5 If you answer five questions correctly,... _                    f you get no points and the next player tries to
                6 If two players finish with the same score,...                      answer.

                Complete the sentences with the correct form of                   Complete the sentences with the correct form
                the verb in brackets.                                             of the verbs in the box.
                   If the weather is nice, we usually have dinner                    not eat enjoy float forget play
                   outside, (have)                                                   not help not smoke
                   I _sick if I eat too much chocolate, (feel)
                   If Henry doesn't know a word, he_it up in                      ÿ If I forget my watch,  I don't know the time.
                   a dictionary, (look)                                           1 If people_their jobs, they normally
                   If you turn on a light bulb, it_hot. (get)                        work hard.
                   Teachers_away your phone if you use it in                      2 Jason doesn't get any pocket money if he _
                   a lesson, (take)                                                  his parents.
                   If students_        school uniform, the                        3 If you drop a bottle in the sea, it_
                   headteacher sends them home, (not wear)                        4 He gets very hungry if he_football
                   If it_enough, plants don't grow, (not rain)                       after school.
                   If Helen_her pen, I lend her mine, (have                       5 If you're vegetarian, you_meat.
                   not got)                                                       6 People are healthier if they_

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