Page 33 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 33


          Listening                                          Have you or one of your family members
                                                             experienced a natural disaster? Make notes
                                                             about it in the table below. Alternatively, you
             Listen to the news report and correct the       can write about a natural disaster you have
             following statements.                           read about.

          1.  A typhoon hit Nghe An Province early this
                                                           Type of natural disaster
          2.   Only a few people were seriously injured in the   What is this disaster?
                                                           When and where did the
          3.   There wasn’t any damage to property in Cua Lo,
                                                           disaster occur?
             a coastal town in Nghe An.
          4.   The storm had not weakened when rescue      What are the eff ects of
             workers arrived in the area.                  this disaster?
          5.   According to the weather bureau, the area will   What has been done to
             be rain-free over the next few days.          help the victims of the

             Listen again and complete the data chart.     D  Use your notes in   to write a news report.

           Type of
           natural       Typhoon
           What is this        A powerful storm with severe (1) _______ and
           disaster?   heavy rain.
           When and
           where did   - At about 11 p.m
           the disaster  - In Nghe An Province
           What are   - Dozens of people were seriously injured.
           the eff ects   - Hundreds of others became (2) _______.
           of this
                      -  Extensive (3) _______ was caused to property,
                       including homes and businesses.
                      -  Heavy rain is expected to continue and
                       (4)_______ warnings have been issued.

           What has   -  Rescue workers have freed people trapped in
           been done   collapsed or damaged homes.
           to help the   -  Rescue workers are clearing up the
           victims of      (5) _______.
           the disaster?
                      -  Rescue equipment, as well as food and medical
                       supplies have already been sent there.
                      -   People left homeless have been taken to safe
                       areas.                             E  Swap news reports with a partner and review
                      -  Temporary (6)_______ will be built to house   each other’s drafts. Make revisions and
                       them.                                 corrections if necessary. Then present your
                                                             fi nal news report to the class.

          33   Unit 9/ Natural Disasters
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