Page 34 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 34

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          Vocabulary                                         Decide which of the sentences can be changed
                                                             to passive voice. Write them down.  Explain why
             Match the words (1-6) to their defi nitions (A-F).  two of them cannot.
                                                          1.  Mr Smith will collect the tickets.
              Words              Defi nitions
                                                          2.   The students put on a play at the end of term.
           1.  drought  A. a violent storm with very strong         ___________________________________________
                          winds which move in a circle    3.   Jim is always late for work.
           2. mudslide  B.  a huge wave that can destroy         ___________________________________________
                          towns near the sea              4.   Julie took the message.
           3. fl ood    C. a long period when  there is no         ___________________________________________
                          rain and not enough water for   5.   A local artist painted the picture.
           4. tsunami     people, animals and plants            ___________________________________________
                        D. a large amount of water covering   6.   They arrived at the theatre at 8.30 p.m.
           5. tornado     an area that is usually dry        ___________________________________________
                        E. a sudden, violent shaking of the
                                                             Match the two parts to make complete sentences.
           6. earthquake  Earth’s surface
                        F. a large amount of mud sliding   1.   After our plane   a.   we learnt they had
                          down a mountain, often              had landed,         lost our reservation.
                          destroying buildings and
                                                           2.   We found out the   b.  until I decided to study
                          injuring or killing people below
                                                              train had left      abroad.
                                                                                c. before I fi nished eating
                                                           3.  When we got to     my meal.
                                                             the hotel,         d.  we waited an hour for
                                                           4.  I had never really   our luggage.
                                                             travelled          e.   I noticed I had left my
                                                           5.  The waiter had     pass at home.
                                                             taken my plate     f.   ten minutes before we
                                                           6.  As I stepped onto   got to the station.
                                                             the bus,

             Use the words from the box in the correct     D   Imagine fi ve bad things that happened to
             form to complete the sentences.                    you yesterday, and write them down.
           scatter      take      evacuate      put out      provide
                                                             - Someone stole my bike.
                                                             - My sister broke my computer.
          1.   Emergency workers   _______ the village when
             the river fl ooded the area.
                                                          E   Work in groups. Add time clauses to your
          2.   Rescue workers are still trying to  _______ the   sentences as the following examples.
             forest fi res.
                                                                  Remember to use the past perfect.
          3.   The strong winds forced the climbers to _______
             shelter.                                                            When I woke up yesterday morning,
          4.   Many countries have  _______ food and other                       somebody had stolen my bike.
             material aid to the hurricane victims.
          5.   Debris from collapsed buildings was  _______   When I got home yesterday, my sister
             across the whole area.                          had broken my computer.

          34   Unit 9/ Natural Disasters
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