Page 29 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 29

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                                                          Past perfect
                                                           D   Read part of the conversation from GETTING
          Grammar                                              STARTED. Pay attention to the underlined
          Passive voice: review
                                                            Nick:     Was anyone injured?
                                                            Duong:     Only a few minor injuries were
              REMEMBER!                                             reported. Most people had moved to
                                                                    safe areas when the storm broke.
              We form the passive voice with the verb to be
              in the appropriate tense and form, and the past
              participle of the main verb. Only verbs which   (+)  Positive
              can take an object can be used in                    Subject + had + past participle
              the passive.
                                                             Example: I had left when they came.
                                                             (-)   Negative
                                                                    Subject + had not/ hadn’t + past participle
             Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED        Example: I hadn’t left when they came.
             and underline any sentences in the passive      (?)   Questions:
             voice that you can fi nd. Check your fi ndings
                                                                    Had + subject + past participle
             with a partner.
                                                                Had + subject + not + past participle
                                                                Hadn’t + subject + past participle
             Complete the sentences using the correct
             passive form of the verbs in brackets.
                                                                 Had you left when they came?
          1.  Debris (scatter)  _______ across the countryside       Had you not left when they came?
             by the strong winds last night.                     Hadn’t you left when they came?
          2.   Ten new houses (build)  _______ in the town   *  Short answers to Yes/ No questions:
             every year.                                     (+)  Yes, subject + had.
                                                             (-)   No, subject + hadn’t.
          3.   Residents of fl ooded villages (take) _______ to a
             safe place last night.
                                                                Had you left when they came?
          4.   In the future, natural disasters (predict) _______
                                                                Yes, I had./ No, I hadn’t.
             accurately with the help of technology.
          5.   Food and medical supplies (deliver) _______ later
                                                          E  When do we use the past perfect? Can you
             this afternoon.                                 think of any rules?

             Rewrite the following sentences using the       We use the past perfect to describe an action
             correct passive voice.                          before a stated time in the past.
          1.  Volunteers have given out food and blankets to
             homeless people.
                                                             People had managed to
                ___________________________________________  leave the fl ooded villages
          2.   So far, rescue workers have freed ten people   by 11 o’clock last night.
             trapped in collapsed buildings.
          3.   Did the storm destroy the whole village?     We use the past perfect to describe an action
               ___________________________________________  that happened before another action in
          4.   If the storm hits the area, it will cause a lot of   the past.
                                                            People had already left
          5.   They are going to organise a garden party to   the fl ooded villages when
             raise money for the victims of the fl ood.
                                                            rescue workers arrived.

          29   Unit 9/ Natural Disasters
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