Page 27 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 27

D   Read the conversation again and fi ll the blank      Match the natural disasters with the pictures.
             with no more than three words.                  Then listen, check your answers and repeat.
                                                             Can you add more?
          1.   Nam Dinh Province was hit by a severe ________.
          2.   Only a few people were ________.            A. volcanic eruption        B. tornado   C. fl ood   D. forest fi re
          3.   The storm caused extensive _______ to property.
                                                           E. earthquake   F. tsunami  G. mudslide    H. drought
          4.   Rescue workers have freed those who were
             ________ in fl ooded homes.
          5.   The government has sent rescue equipment,
             food, and ________.
          6.   People without homes will be provided with

          E  Responding to news
                                                          1.  ____________________ 2.  ____________________
             Nick uses the expression ‘That’s terrible!’ to react
             to the news of the tropical storm. Read the
             conversation again and fi nd similar responses.

           D    Write the responses into the correct
               columns. Then listen, check and repeat.

                 Wow!                     How terrible!
                                                          3.  ____________________ 4.  ____________________
                 That’s great!         How wonderful!
                 Oh dear!                 Oh no!

                 That’s a relief!            That’s shocking!
                 That’s awful!       That’s awesome!

            Responding to good news  Responding to bad news
                                                          5.  ____________________ 6.  ____________________

          E  Match the sentences (1-6) to the responses
             (a-f).  Then practise the exchanges with a
                                                          7.  ____________________ 8.  ____________________
           1.      Mary and Tom are   a.  Oh no!
              getting married in July.
                                                             Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
           2.     I managed to pass the   b.  How wonderful!  about common natural disasters in some
                                                             areas in Viet Nam.
           3.   Many people died in the   c.  Wow!
              accident.                                      Example:
           4.  They have invented a   d.  That’s a relief!  A:     Which are the most common natural disasters in
              fl ying car.                                   Thanh Hoa?
           5.   Our house was destroyed  e.  That’s shocking!  B:   Typhoons and fl oods.
              by the storm.                               A:   How often do they happen there?
           6.    Hospitals have refused to  f.  That’s awful!  B:   Typhoons happen there about three or four
              take in any more injured                       times a year, and fl oods about twice a year.

          27   Unit 9/ Natural Disasters
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