Page 23 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 23

                                                          5.   At Lake Wanaka you can _______.
                                                             A. bike and walk
                                                             B. drive
          WANAKA - NEW ZEALAND                               C. climb a mountain

                                                           D    Choose four activities from the list that
                                                               you would like to do in a two-day visit to
                                                               Washington D.C., the capital of the USA.
                                                          1.  Canoeing along the C&O canal, enjoying the
                                                             beautiful scenery.
             A tour guide is talking about the schedule for   2.   Exploring Washington D.C. on a Hop-on Hop-off
             a day trip to Wanaka, a town in the far south of   trolley.
             New Zealand.                                 3.  Visiting the White House, where the President of
             Listen and fi ll in the time for the schedule of   the USA lives.
             events.                                      4.   Visiting the National Children’s Museum.

                                                          5.   Cycling on bike trails in the National Park.
                 Arrive at Puzzling World: (1) _____________
                                                          6.   Enjoying the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin.
                 Leave Puzzling World: (2) _______________
                 Meet up at Lake Wanaka: (3)  ____________
                                                          E  Schedule your visit.
                 Bus leaves: (4) _________________________
                                                             Day       Time          Activity

             Listen again and choose the right answer
             A, B, or C.
          1.  The fi rst thing you see in Puzzling  World is
             _______.                                          2
             A. Lake Wanaka
             B. the Leaning Tower                            Write a passage describing the schedule for
             C. the spacious café                            your visit. You can start with:
          2.   The Illusion Room off ers you _______.
             A. the picture of a leaning tower               This is the schedule for my two-day visit to
                                                             Washington D.C. On the fi rst day we…
             B. a collection of puzzles and games
             C. a collection of 3-D holograms

          3.   _______ is possibly the most photographed
             attraction in New Zealand.
             A. The Leaning Tower
             B. The Illusion Room
             C. Puzzling World

          4.   Lake Wanaka is called _______.
             A. a natural attraction
             B. a natural paradise
             C. a beauty spot

          23   Unit 8/ English Speaking Countries
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