Page 19 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 19

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                                                             Four of the underlined verbs in the passage
                                                             are incorrect in tense. Find and correct them.
          Present tenses: review

             Complete the sentences with the correct
             forms of the verbs (present simple, present
             continuous or present perfect).

          1.  The famous Sydney Opera
             House  _______ as an arts
             centre since 1973. (serve)

          2.   There are about 750 million
             English speakers in the
             world, and this number
             _______ fast. (increase)

                                                             California (1) is home to the most iconic theme
          3.   The Statue of Liberty in
                                                             park in the world – Disneyland. Over 670 million
             New  York is a monument
                                                             people (2) visit it since it opened in 1955, and
             which  _______ freedom.
                                                             the number  (3)  increases fast. Diff erent  kinds
                                                             of entertainment  (4) are provided throughout
                                                             the park.  Mickey’s Soundsational Parade, the
                                                             most popular event, (5) has celebrated music
          4.   England, Scotland, Wales, and                 from famous Disney fi lms. In the parade,
             Northern Ireland together                       well-known Disney characters (6) march along
             ______ the United Kingdom.                      the street, either on fl oats or on foot.  They
             (form)                                          (7)  are dancing along with the music, greet
                                                             visitors, talk with children and pose for photos.
                                                             Everybody (8) is welcome to join in the fun.
          5.  America  _____  Thanksgiving                   The four incorrect verbs are numbers  ______,
                                                             ______, ______, and ______.
             Day on the fourth Thursday
             of November since 1864.                         Correct answers:
             (celebrate)                                     1. ___________________   2. ___________________
                                                             3. ___________________  4.  ___________________

          6.   New   Zealand   _______
             divided into the North
             Island and the South Island.

          19   Unit 8/ English Speaking Countries
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