Page 16 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 16

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                                                                  THIS UNIT INCLUDES:
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          +RZuV \RXU VXPPHU FDPS"                                 People and places in English speaking
          +RZuV \RXU VXPPHU FDPS"

             Listen and read.                                     PRONUNCIATION
                                                                   Stress in words ending in -ese and -ee
          Nick:    How’s your international summer camp
                  going, Phong?                                    GRAMMAR
                                                                   Present tenses: review
          Phong:   Awesome, just awesome.
                                                                   Present simple for future
          Nick:    You sound so happy. What do you like about it?
          Phong:   It’s hard to say. Everything’s wonderful: the   Introducing people and places of
                  friends I’ve made, the places I’ve visited, the   interest in English speaking countries
          Nick:    Oh… Your English has improved a lot!
          Phong:   Absolutely. I use English every day, with
                  people from diff erent countries.
          Nick:    Where are they from?                   Phong:   I found it diffi  cult to understand them at
          Phong:  Everywhere! Places like India, Canada…          fi rst. Perhaps it’s because of their accent,
                  English is also an offi  cial language here in   but it’s OK now.
                  Singapore.                              Nick:   It’s great that you can practise English with
          Nick:   Right. Have you made any friends from           native speakers. When are you back?
                  English speaking countries?             Phong:   Our camp closes on July 15  and I take the
          Phong:  I’m in a team with two boys from Australia      night fl ight home the same day.
                  and a girl from the USA.                Nick:   Looking forward to seeing you then. Enjoy!
          Nick:    Do you have diffi  culty  understanding   Phong:   I will. Thanks. Bye.

          16   Unit 8/ English Speaking Countries
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