Page 14 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 14

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                                                             Rewrite the sentences, using the words in
                                                          1.   The noise from the music club is loud, so the
             Complete the sentences with the correct         residents of the street cannot sleep. (because of)
             form of the words in brackets.               →   ___________________________________________
                                                          2.   Vy had a stomachache because she ate a big
            I live on the outskirts of a city in Viet Nam. Three
                                                             dinner. (since)
            years ago, my neighbourhood was very clean
                                                          →   ___________________________________________
            and beautiful, with paddy fi elds and green trees.
                                                          3.   Because it rained heavily, the road in front of my
            However, in the last two years, some factories
                                                             house was fl ooded. (due to)
            have appeared in my neighbourhood.  They
                                                          →   ___________________________________________
            have caused serious water (1. pollute) _______
                                                          4.   His room is untidy, so his mother is unhappy.
            by dumping industrial waste into the lake. The
            (2. contaminate)  _______ water has led to the
                                                          →   ___________________________________________
            (3. die) _______ of aquatic animals and plants.
                                                          5.   Global warming happens when there is too
            Also, tall residential buildings have replaced the
                                                             much carbon dioxide (CO ) in the atmosphere.
            paddy fi elds. More people result in more cars   (causes)
            and motorcycles. (4. Poison)  _______ fumes   →   ___________________________________________
            from these vehicles are serious air (5. pollute)
                                                             Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

             Write types of pollution in the word web.    1.   It (not be) _______ possible to save the Earth if
                                                             we (not take) _______ action now.
                                                          2.   If the world temperatures _______ (continue) to
                           2. ________                       rise, there _______ (be) less snow.
           1. ________                     3. ________
                                ________                  3.   If I (be) _______ you, I (wear) _______ earplugs
                ________                        ________     when going to the concert.
                                                          4.   If  we  _______ (do) nothing to stop global
                                                             warming, we _______ (see) big changes in the
                                                          5.   How you (travel)  _______ to work if you (not
                                           4. ________
           8. ________                                       have) _______ this motorbike?
                            Types of            ________
                ________    pollution                     6.   Our garden is so beautiful. There (not be) _______
                                                             any fl owers if my sister (not take care) _______ of
                                                             it every day.
                                                             Complete the sentences, using your own ideas.

                                                          1.   If I were an environmentalist, ________________.

           7. ________                     5. ________    2.   If our school had a big garden, _______________.
                ________   6. ________          ________  3.   If the lake wasn’t polluted, ___________________.
                                ________                  4.   If we have a day off  tomorrow, _______________.
                                                          5.   If you want to do something for the planet,

          14  Unit 7/ Pollution
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