Page 18 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 18

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                                                            Match the words/ phrases with the pictures.

                                                             parade          state           loch
          Vocabulary                                         cattle station         monument          castle
             Write the names for the people who belong
             to these places.  Then listen and repeat the

               Country                People
           1.  the USA        ________________________    1.  __________________  2.  ___________________
           2.  England        ________________________
           3.  Scotland       ________________________
           4.  Wales
           5.  Ireland
           6.  Canada
           7.  Australia                  ________________________  3.  __________________  4.  ___________________
           8.  New Zealand             ________________________

             Change the words into a noun (N), an adjective
             (A) or a verb (V).

           1.   historic       N = history
                                                          5.  __________________  6.  ___________________
           2.   symbol         V =
           3.  legend          A =
                                                          Stress in words ending in -ese and -ee
           4.   iconic         N =
           5.  spectacle       A =                          Listen and repeat the words.
           6.  festive         N =
                                                                    -ese                  -ee
           7.  scenery         A =
                                                            1. Cantonese          5. employee
           8.  attraction      V =
                                                            2. Taiwanese          6. adoptee
             Use the words in the box to complete the       3. Japanese           7. addressee
             sentences.                                     4. Portuguese         8. interviewee

              icon        symbolises      scenic              REMEMBER!
              unique                      attracts            For words ending in -ese or -ee, the stress is
                                                              often placed on the fi nal syllable.
          1.  The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is an   Example:   trai'nee
             _______ of this famous city.                                       Nepa'lese
          2.   Big Ben is a major monument in London which
             _______ the United Kingdom.                     Mark the stress in the underlined words. Then
          3.   New Zealand is famous for the _______ beauty of   listen and repeat the sentences.
             its mountains and forests.                   1.  One-fi fth of the people in the world are Chinese.
          4.   Australia is home to  _______ animals like the   2.   A refugee is a person who is forced to leave
             kangaroo and koala, which are native to Australia.  a country.
          5.   The Glastonbury Festival in England is a   3.   My daughter is a trainee.
             celebration of music and it _______ thousands   4.   Japanese is the language of Japan.
             of people.                                   5.   This printer has a two-year guarantee.

          18   Unit 8/ English Speaking Countries
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