Page 21 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 21

&20081,&$7,21                            Extra vocabulary
                                                   territory      North Pole   Arctic Circle

                        This is a quiz to test how much you know about English speaking countries.

              Do the quiz and choose the correct answers.
           1.    _______ are both surrounded by the sea.  8.    A kilt is the traditional garment for _______ .
              A. The United Kingdom and the USA                  A. Scottish men
              B. Canada and New Zealand                      B. the Maori in New Zealand
              C. Australia and New Zealand                             C. the Americans
              D. The USA and Australia
                                                             D. the Aborigines in Australia
           2.   Of these countries, _______ is the youngest.
              A. Australia         B. Canada              9.  This animal, the _______ , is a symbol of Australia.
              C. the USA           D. the United Kingdom     A. kangaroo
                                                             B. koala
           3.   The capital of New Zealand is _______
                                                             C.  rabbit
              A. Canberra          B. Washington D.C.
                                                             D. emu
              C. Wellington        D. Ottawa
           4.   _______ is the most diverse in geography and   10.  _______ is in London.
              climate.                                       A. Trafalgar Square
              A. Canada            B. The USA                B. Times Square
              C. The United Kingdom  D. New Zealand          C. Sky Tower
                                                             D.  Ayers Rock
           5.   Niagara Falls is a spectacular waterfall in
              _______.                                       Write the names of the countries next to their
              A. Wales                        B. Canada      facts. s.
              C. England                            D. Australia
                                                                                  $XVWUDOLD LD LD
           6.   _______ is closest to the North Pole.
              A. America                       B. Canada    &DQDGD
              C. New Zealand       D. Australia                                WKH 86$              K 86$86$K WKK WK WKKK
           7.   Which picture below illustrates the way the
                                                                             H H WKH H WKH
              Maori of New Zealand greet each other?                       WKH H 8Q Q Q 8 8Q 8QLW W L 8QLW
                                                                           WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP P P
                                                          1HZ =HDODQG
                                                          1HZ =HDODQG
              A. touching toes         B. touching foreheads  1 Ii
                                                           1.  It is made up of 50 states.
                                                           2.  It has the smallest population.
                                                           3.    It has the most famous football clubs in the world.
                                                           4.  It has part of its territory inside the Arctic Circle.
              C. touching noses     D. touching hands
                                                           5.  It is both a country and a continent.
              *$0(  +2: 08&+ '2 <28 .12:
              $%287 $ &28175<"                             E  Each group then presents their introduction
           D  Work in groups. Choose a country and together   to the class. The class...
              fi nd out as much about it as possible.  Then   1.   tries to fi nd out which country it isuntry it is
              prepare a small introduction of that country.   2.   votes for the most informative mativeeee
              Don’t say the name of the country.              and interesting introduction
              You can start your introduction with:

              This country …

          21   Unit 8/ English Speaking Countries
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