Page 24 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 24

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          Vocabulary                                         Decide if the sentences have a present meaning
                                                             (P) or a future meaning (F).
             Match the words with the defi nitions.
                                                                                              P    F
             Words              Defi nitions
                                                           1.      Please phone me as soon as you arrive in Canberra.
                                                           2.          There  is  a  documentary  about  Oxford  on  TV
           1.  loch   a.  a unique way of pronunciation in   tonight. Don’t forget to watch it.
                        an area/ country
                                                           3.    Usually on New Year’s Eve, thousands of people
           2.  kilt   b.   a private well-protected residence  gather in Times Square in New York to welcome
                                                             the New Year.
           3.  puzzling c.  a Scottish word for ‘lake’
                                                           4.    When people travel, they use a map to fi nd their
           4.  castle  d.   an ancient story about a place/ a   way around.
                        person that may or may not be true  5.    Our holiday in Queenstown lasts six days. I feel
                                                             so excited.
           5.  legend  e.  a male skirt which is often worn
                        on special occasions
                                                             Complete the sentences with the appropriate
           6.  accent         f.  confusing or questionable
                                                             present tense of the verbs in brackets.

                                                          1.   Alaska, a state in the USA,  _______ both the
             Choose the best answer A, B, or C to complete
                                                             Arctic Ocean and the Pacifi c Ocean. (face)
             the sentences.
                                                          2.   In Adelaide, south of Australia, the sun _______
          1.   Australia has the biggest _______ in the world.
                                                             until 9 p.m in summer. (not/ set)
             A. natural beauty              B. puzzling games
                                                          3.   Although England has several good football
             C. cattle station                               teams, it _______ the World Cup only once. (win)
          2.   Over 1,000 sea planes come and go on the   4.   The government of New Zealand _______ a lot
             water of Lake Hood airport in Alaska. It’s really a   to preserve the culture of the Maori, the native
             fun _______ to watch.                           people of this land. (do)
             A. scene       B. icon      C. puzzle        5.   In Canada, the serving of coff ee at the end of
          3.   The Maori’s language and  _______ have had a   an evening  _______  a signal that it is time for
             great impact on New Zealand life.               visitors to leave. (be)
             A. festivals         B. dances           C. culture  6.   In many cultures, it’s considered rude if you push
                                                             through people who _______ to get out of a bus
          4.   Niagara Falls is a great _______ on the border of
                                                             or a train. (try)
             the USA and Canada. Thousands of visitors come
             to see it every month.
             A. tradition   B. spectacle     C. relaxation
          5.   People in countries like the USA, Great Britain,
             and New Zealand use English as their  _______
             A. offi  cial   B. native  C. foreign
          6.   In summer, children often take part in a local or
             international _______
             A. summer camp     B. game  C. attraction

          24   Unit 8/ English Speaking Countries
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