Page 26 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 26

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                                                                  THIS UNIT INCLUDES:
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          6KRFNLQJ QHZV                                           Types of natural disasters
                                                                  Words to describe a natural disaster
                                                                  Stress in words ending in  -logy and
                                                                   Passive voice: review
                                                                   Past perfect

                                                                   Talking about a natural disaster
                                                                   Asking and answering questions about
                                                                   what to do when a natural disaster happens

                 Listen and read.

            Duong:  Did you watch the news last night?
            Nick:    No, I didn’t. What’s happened?
                                                          Nick:    That’s awful! Despite all the modern
            Duong:  There was a typhoon in Nam Dinh Province.
                                                                  technology available to us, we’re still
            Nick:    What exactly is a typhoon? We don’t get
                                                                  helpless against natural disasters. How
                   them in England.
                                                                  is the government helping the people
            Duong:  It’s a severe tropical storm.                 there?
            Nick:    Oh no! That’s terrible! What time did it hit
                                                          Duong:   They’ve sent rescue workers to free
                   the area?
                                                                  people who were trapped in fl ooded
            Duong:   They said at about 10 a.m.
                                                                  homes. Once the heavy rain stops, they’ll
            Nick:    Was anyone injured?                          start clearing up the debris. Medical
            Duong:  Only a few minor injuries were reported.      supplies, food and rescue equipment
                   Most people had moved to safe areas            have also been sent.
                   when the storm broke.
                                                          Nick:    That’s great! How about the people left
            Nick:    That’s a relief. Did it cause any damage to   without homes?
                                                          Duong:   They’ve been taken to a safe place
            Duong:   It seems many houses and public buildings
                                                                  where temporary accommodation will
                   were destroyed or fl ooded, and thousands
                                                                  be provided for them.
                   of people were left homeless.

          26   Unit 9/ Natural Disasters
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