Page 25 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 25

Communication                                   1.   The Maori in New Zealand wear kilts.
                                                          2.   Of English speaking countries, Canada has the
             Check your knowledge!                           biggest population.
                                                          3.   Disneyland is in California, a state of Australia.
             Work in groups. Discuss if the statements are
             correct.                                     4.   Kangaroos and koalas live in New Zealand.
             Example:                                     5.   English is the only offi  cial language in Canada.
             Wellington is the capital of the United Kingdom.
                                                          Finished! Now I can … .
             A:    No, the capital of the United Kingdom is
                London. I think Wellington is the capital of   ●     use words/ phrases to
                Australia.                                  describe people and places in
                                                            English speaking countries
             B:     That’s not true. I am sure the capital of
                                                         ●   use the present simple to talk
                Australia is Canberra.  Wellington is the
                                                            about future activities
                capital of New Zealand.
                                                         ●  pronounce words ending in
                                                            -ese and -ee correctly in
                                                            isolation and sentences
                                                         ●  talk and write about schedules


            Expl   re us!

                                                                       Canberra, Australia
                                                                       C Canbnbererrara, AuAusststraraliliaa
                                          Ottawa, CanadaCanada

                                                   These capital cities are great attractions.
               Washington D.C.
               Washington D C
                                                   Work in groups of four or fi ve.
                                                   1.    Do some research about one of the cities, then
                                                       make a list of the places and activities that you
                                                       think will attract visitors to the city.

                                                   2.    Design a poster for the city with pictures and
                W                                  3.   Present your poster to the class and introduce
                Wellington, New Zealandellington, New Zealand
                                                       the city.
                                                   4.    The class votes on the most appealing poster.

                                                                   London, the United Kingdom
          25   Unit 8/ English Speaking Countries
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