Page 51 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 51

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             Listen and repeat the following words.
             Mark the stressed syllables in the words.    Grammar
                                                          Future tenses: review
                                                               Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
                         unforeseen    unlucky
                      immature          unwise            1.   By  2030  all  students  (have) ______  their own
                   impatient          unhealthy              computers in school.
                   impure             unhurt              2.  I can’t come to your party next Friday as I (work)
                    impossible        unlimited              ______ on that day.
                       unnatural     impolite
                                                          3.  I know she’s sick, but  ______  she (be)  ______
                                                             back to school tomorrow?
                                                          4.   You (not pass) ______ your exams if you don’t
             Put the words from   in the right columns.
                                                             start working harder.
                                                          5.   Whatever job you (decide) ______ to do in the
              oO        oOo        ooO       oOoo
                                                             future, I (support) ______ you.

           ________   ________  ________   ________          Work    in  pairs.  Read   the  following
           ________   ________  ________   ________          predictions about the year 2040 and say
                                                             whether you think it will happen.
           ________   ________  ________   ________
           ________   ________  ________   ________             Example:

                                                           A:  Email will completely replace regular mail.
                                                           B:  I think it will certainly/probably happen. /
             Fill the gaps with one of the words in  .            It certainly/probably won’t happen.
             Listen and check, then read the sentences.

          1.   The teacher said this water was  ______ and   1.   We will all be using fl ying cars.
             couldn’t be used in our experiment.          2.   Most people will live to be a hundred years old.
          2.   Scientists  have  identifi ed a link between an   3.   Robots will replace teachers.
             ______ diet and diseases.                    4.   The world will have one money system.
          3.  This job would be ______ without the help of a   5.   The Internet will replace books.
                                                          Reported speech
          4.   Our natural resources are not ______.
                                                            In direct speech, we give the exact words
          5.  It’s no good being ______ with small children.
                                                            somebody said, and we use quotation marks.
                                                            In reported speech, we give the meaning of
                                                            what someone said, but with some changes
                                                            and without quotation marks.

                                                               Nam: ‘I want to become a robot designer.’
                                                            →   Nam said that he wanted to become a robot
                                                            When the reporting verb (e.g. say or tell) is in the
                                                            past, the verb in reported speech changes as

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