Page 47 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 47

Communication                                    Finished! Now I can … .

             Choose  any  three forms of communication in   ●     talk about forms of
             this unit and work with a partner to decide if   communication
             people will be using them in the year 2100 or not.
             Give at least two reasons for each decision.   ●   use communication
                                                             technology vocabulary
                                                           ●   use the future continuous
             -   Will we be using music to communicate in
               the year 2100?                              ●   use some verbs followed by
                                                             to-infi nitive
                 -   I  think  so.  People  will  always  express
               themselves through music.                   ●   pronounce words ending in
                                                             -ity and -itive correctly in
                                                             isolation and in sentences
                                                           ●   communicating online
                                                             following netiquette


                 ‘Action. Take one! Action. Take two!’

                              In groups, prepare two versions of a short sketch involving
                              a communication breakdown to perform in class.

                           ●  Perform version 1 where the communication breakdown takes
                           ●  Then ask the audience to explain what went wrong and how it
                              could be avoided.
                           ●  Next, perform version 2, this time where no communication
                              breakdown takes place.

                              You can ask your teacher for help with sketch ideas.

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