Page 44 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 44

                                                               Look at the highlighted words and match
                                                             them with their meanings.
          Reading                                         1.  immediately, without delay

             Look at the letters the children from        2.  to  communicate  with or  react to
             Viet Nam and Sweden sent to each other in    3.  the opposite of a fl at image
             a penfriend project. Why do you think they
             chose this way to communicate with each      4.  the digital world
             other?                                       5.  a system of connected parts to share information

                                                             Answer the following questions.
          Hedlunda Primary School,   Dich  Vong B Primary   1.  What do the students like about the penfriend
          Ume , Sweden          School, Ha Noi, Viet  Nam
                                                          2.  What are the two ways of future communication
                                                             mentioned in the text? Explain how they work.
                                                          3.  Do you think the writer is happy with this
                                                             future of communication? How do you know?


                                                             In small groups, decide whether you agree
                                                             with the author of this text. Why/Why not?
                                                             Share your ideas with the class.
             Read the text.


          About fifty students in two schools in  Ha Noi,
                      Viet Nam  and Ume , Sweden have been
                      exchanging letters in a penfriend project
                      since 2013.  ‘I love to write. You can
                      even stick something on the letter, like
                      this tiny sweet!’ said Linh, from Ha Noi      Class survey.  What ways of communication
                      about the project. From the Sweden end,   do you use for the following purposes now
                      Anders said,  ‘It’s so nice to open and   and what will they be in the year 2030?
                      read real letters!’ But will this be our
          future communication? It’s  said that in a couple of                              In the year
          decades we’ll be using telepathy and holography.         Purpose        At present  2030
          Telepathy uses a tiny device placed into our head.   1.  working on a group project  I (use)…  I’ll be
          Information will be sent and received directly to and                            (using)…
          from our brains. We’ll be communicating just by thought
          over the network! Holography, a video-conference   2.   keeping in touch with a friend
          technology with three-dimensional images, will help us   who lives far away
          interact in real time in completely different places.   3.   contacting friends to meet to
                                                              see a fi lm
          Impressed? Maybe, but not everyone
          thinks the cyber world will replace the           4.   asking your teacher
          real world. Like the children in the                something that you didn’t
          penfriend project, I prefer to chat                 understand in the lesson
          with my friends over a cup of tea                 5.   letting your parents know you
          and enjoy their company - life is                   want to say sorry
          more meaningful that way!                         6.  showing love to your pet

          44   Unit 10/ Communication
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