Page 41 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 41

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          Stress in words ending in -ity and -itive
                                                          Future continuous: review
             For words ending -ity and -itive, place the
             stress on the syllable before the suffi  x.      Listen again to part of the conversation in
                                                              GETTING STARTED.  Underline the future
             Example:                                        continuous tense and answer the questions.
                                                            Phuc:    … How about this Sunday afternoon at
                She got the opportunity to see Frozen.            2.30 p.m.? There’s Superman 3.
                                                            Nick:    Great…, but I’ll be having my Vietnamese
                                                                  class then. Let’s go for the 4.15 p.m. show.
                His answer is positive! Great!
                                                                  I’ll need to take the bus to Nguyen Du
                                                                  Street and it’s quite far.
                                                            Phuc:    But it’s not Galaxy Nguyen Du!  We’ll be
                                                                  seeing it at Galaxy Nguyen Trai ...

                                                          1.   What will Nick be doing at 2.30 p.m. this Sunday?
                                                          2.   What will Phuc and Nick be doing at about
                                                             4.15 p.m. this Sunday?
                                                             We use the future continuous tense to
                                                             express being in the process of doing
                                                             something at a specifi  c time in the future.
                                                             Tonight at 8.30 p.m. Mai will be watching Frozen
                                                             again at home. She loves it!
                                                             (She will be in the process of watching the fi  lm

                                                             at 8.30 p.m.)
                                                             Complete the sentences with the future
             Mark the stress for the following words,
             then listen and repeat.                      1.  _______ he still (sleep)  _______ this time
                                                             tomorrow? - No, he (study) _______ in the library.
          1. competitive          5. ability
                                                          2.   She’s now in Ho Chi Minh City but she (have)
          2. infi nitive          6. possibility
                                                             _______ a holiday in Da Nang at the end of this
          3. repetitive           7. curiosity               month.
          4. positive             8. nationality
                                                          3.   They (eat) _______ dinner at 8 p.m.
                                                          4.   _______ she (stay) _______  in her classroom
             Fill the gaps with the words in    and          during the break today? - Yes, she (write)
             practise saying the sentences.  Then listen     _______ an email to her friend.
             and check.
                                                          5.   Mona says the children (play)  _______ in the
          1.  What’s his _______? - He’s Japanese.           garden when you arrive.
          2.   Try not to use this word too often otherwise your   6.   This time next year Phuc (learn) _______ a new
             text will become _______.                       language.
          3.   Sport can be either _______ or non-competitive.  Look out!
          4.   There’s a good _______ that they will win.     We often include a specifi c time when h
                                                              using the future continuous.
          5.  Her dancing _______ is impressive!

          41   Unit 10/ Communication
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