Page 40 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 40

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                                                             Communication technology. Match the words
                                                             with the defi nitions.

                                                                         a.     An online discussion group in which you
             Choose words/ phrases from the box to         1.   chat room
                                                                           can leave messages or post questions.
             describe the photos about other ways of
                                                                         b.    A phone that uses a telephone line for
                                                           2.   multimedia
             communicating non-verbally with animals                       transmission.
             leaving a note
             using codes                       sending fl owers          c.     A device with a touchscreen with
                                                                           functions similar to a computer, a digital
             using signs           painting a picture      3.    landline phone
                                                                           camera, and a GPS device, in addition to
             using body language   using music                             a phone.

                                                                         d.   People join this Internet area to
                                                           4.    smart phone  communicate online.  The  conversations
                                                                           are sent immediately and are visible to
                                                                           everyone there.

                                                                         e.      Multiple forms of communication on
                                                           5.    message board  a computer including sounds, videos,
                                                                           video-conferencing, graphics, and texts.

          1. _____________________  2. _____________________     Complete the diagram with the communication
                                                             examples you have learnt so far. Some can be
                                                             put in more than one category. Can you add
                                                             more ideas?more ideas?

          3. _____________________  4. _____________________

                                                             Debate. Choose one or more pairs of ways of
                                                             communicating. Which one is better? Why?
          5. _____________________  6. _____________________
                                                                email         vs        snail mail

                                                                              vs       F2F meeting

                                                             mobile phone
                                                             message board
                                                                              vs     discussion group
          7. _____________________  8. _____________________

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