Page 45 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 45


          Listening                                       Writing an email using netiquette

             Look at the way this message is posted on an   REMEMBER!
             e-learning message board. Can you fi nd any
             problems with it?                             •   Always check that you’ve completed the
                                                               Subject line and/ or have included the
                                                           •   An email to a senior person should be
                                                               more formal than to a friend
                                                           •  Keep the message short and accurate
                                                           •  Always check your work for mistakes

             CAPS LOCK: a function that turns all letters
             into capital form                               Put the following parts in their correct place
                                                             to make an email.

             Listen to this interview between a  4Teen    a.   Thank you very much.
             magazine reporter and Dr Minh  Vu about      b.  Please fi nd attached my essay for week 5.
             netiquette and answer the questions.         c.   Essay submission week 5
          1.   What is ‘netiquette’?                      d.   Best regards,
          2.   What is the main rule of netiquette?       e.   My name is Vu Minh Duc, and I am your student
          3.   Besides the content of what we’re communicating,   from class 8A.
             what else should we pay attention to?        f.   Dear Teacher,

             Listen again to the interview and complete
             the following grid.

                                 Should Shouldn’t
           1.  use CAPS LOCK in
             emails,  posts,  and
           2.  check your email for
             mistakes or errors
           3.  use a lot of shorthand
           4.  respect discussion rules
             and use polite language
                                                              Write a short email to your teacher to submit
                                                             your group homework for this week. Check if
                                                             you have used the netiquette learnt.

                        CAPS LOCK
                        Not necessary all the time
             Look at the message in  .  Work with a partner
             to improve it with the netiquette you have
             learnt so far.

          45   Unit 10/ Communication
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