Page 49 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 49

D   Find the words in A in the conversation.       Put one of the words/ phrases from the box in
             Then match them to the words in B with          each gap. There is one extra.
             similar meanings.
                                                               science subjects      technology        technique
                     A                        B              machines       scientifi c progress      researchers
           1. developments            a.  the answers
                                                          1.   Her teacher said she was really good at _______,
           2. fi eld                  b.  area
                                                             but she was not very good at English.
           3. enormous                c.  progress (n)
                                                          2.   Advances in _______ have improved crop yields by
           4. economic                d.  big
                                                             over 30%.
           5. the keys                e.  money-making
                                                          3.  Cancer  _______ have made great progress, but
           6. benefi ts               f.   help
                                                             many aspects of this disease need further study.
          E  Answer the questions.                        4.   Scientists will be trying to invent _______ to teach
                                                             children at home.
          1.   Where are Nick, Duong, and Chau?
                                                          5.  Thanks to _______, our world will be transformed
          2.  What is the subject of Dr. Nelson’s talk?
          3.   What fi elds are science and technology greatly
                                                             Give the opposite of the words in brackets,
                                                             using the prefi x un- or im-.
          4.   What did Nick’s dad tell him?
          5.  What did Chau’s science teacher say?        Example:  necessary → unnecessary
          F   Work with a partner.  What fields are       1.  This is a species of insect previously (known)
             mentioned in the conversation which are         _______ to biologists.
             affected by science and technology?          2.   I don’t like science fi ction novels much. I think
                                                             they are (realistic) _______.
          G  Put a word/ phrase from the box in each blank.  3.  It is almost (possible) _______ to keep up with
                                                             the latest developments in computing.
                                                          4.   The teacher said that accurate measurement
                                                              was (important) _______ in this experiment.
                                                          5.   Fortunately, the river fl owing through our town
                                                             is (polluted) _______.
              fl ying cars   economic development            *$0(   ),1' 620(21( :+2
              fi eld          space    the key
                                                             Ask your classmates Yes/ No questions, using
                                                             do or  will. If they say  ‘Yes’ to a question,
          1.   Technology in the _______ of telecommunications
             has developed greatly over the last decade.     write their names in the box. A name can be
                                                             written down only once. The fi rst person to
          2.  In the future, ordinary people may travel into
                                                             get a name in each box is the winner.
             _______ on spaceships.
          3.  He said he worked very hard and that was
                                                             Find someone who...
             _______ to his success.
          4.   An international meeting on _______ took place
                                                            likes science subjects  wants to travel into  wants to become a
             in Singapore last week.
                                                            at school      space in the future  scientist
          5.   If we had _______ now, we could solve the
             problem of traffi  c jams.
                                                            knows a Vietnamese  will go into sciences  admires a scientist
             Look out!                                      scientist      when fi nishing   or an inventor
             Can you explain the diff erence between en                    school
             science and technology?

          49   Unit 11/ Science and Technology
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