Page 54 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 54

                                                             Underline the following words and phrases
                                                             in the passages in  . Match each of them with
          Reading                                            its explanation.

             Quickly read the passages. Match the          1.   a reality  A.     examine carefully to fi nd out more about
             headings with the passages.                                    something
                                                           2.   explore   B.   used instead of something else
          1.   Can we live longer?                         3.   possibility  C.   equipment that helps save energy
          2.   Can we live there?                          4.   replaced  D.   a thing that actually exists or happens
          3.   Future home prediction                      5.   anti-ageing pills E.   something that is likely to happen
                                                           6.    energy saving
                                                                          F.   medicine that can prevent ageing
          Travelling to Mars might                            Answer the questions.
          become a reality sooner                         1.    Why are scientists planning to send people
          than you think. Scientists                          to Mars?
          are planning to send                            2.   How will anti-ageing pills help people?
          people (not animals!)                           3.    How long does an average person live now?
          to explore Mars in                              4.   What are some energy saving devices?
          the near future. They                           5.   What will home robots do in the future?
          believe it’s the only way
          to fi nd out if there is, or ever has been, life on this
          planet. They will explore the possibility of living there.   Speaking
          So people may go there to live one day!
                                                                Think about your ideas about scientifi c
                           B                                  advances  in these fi elds. Look at the example
                                                              and make notes.
                                 Scientists say that in the
                                  future people will live     Advances     Advantages    Disadvantages
                                  longer. Incurable diseases
                                                           robots        do a lot of things  unemployment
                                  will be cured and ‘bad’
                                  genes will probably be   nuclear energy
                                  replaced. With healthier   nutrition pills
                                  lifestyles  and  better  smart phones
                                 medical care the average   space travel
             person will live to be 100 instead of 70 (for men) or
             75 (for women) like today. Anti-ageing pills will also        Work in groups. Express your agreement and
             be invented to help people live longer.          disagreement about how scientifi c advances
                                                              can help us solve problems in the future.
          C                                               Example:
                                                          A:    I think robots will help us do many boring or
          Future homes will be located                        diffi  cult jobs.
          on the ocean, in the air, or                    B:    Yes. But at the same time, they may bring a lot of
          underground. These homes                            unemployment.
          will have advanced energy
                                                          C:   And they’ll make us lazy and inactive.
          saving devices such as solar
          panels, solar windows, and
          smart  home   technology.                           Look out!
          Future homes will take advantage                    We use ‘at the same time’ to introduce
                                                              a contrasting fact.
          of robots to do chores such as cleaning, cooking,
          washing, and organising everything for their owners.

          54   Unit 11/ Science and Technology
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