Page 58 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 58

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                                                                 THIS UNIT INCLUDES:
          *(77,1* 67$57('
          *(77,1* 67$57('
          :KDW FRXOG KDSSHQ WR (DUWK"                            Life on Earth and other planets
                                                                 Stress in words ending in -ful and -less
             Listen and read.
          Duong:  Do you know,  Trang and I saw a very           may and might: review
                  interesting fi lm yesterday!                   Reported speech: questions
          Nhi:     What was it?
          Duong:  Star Trek Into Darkness.                        Predicting what other life forms might be like
          Nhi:      Oh, I like this series, but I’ve only seen    Asking and answering questions about life
                  Star Trek 2009. What’s Into Darkness about?     on other planets
          Duong:   Well, after their adventures on the journey
                  to Nibiru planet in  Star Trek 2009, Captain
                  James Kirk and his crew return to Earth
                  on the  Enterprise in 2259. However, they
                  then have to fi ght a dangerous terrorist
                  John Harrison, who wants to destroy Earth.
          Nhi:    Sounds thrilling!
          Duong:  Yes, it was! Actually, Kirk dies trying to stop
                  him, but fortunately, he comes back to life.
                  It’s just a fi lm, after all!
          Nhi:       A happy ending! But it does make me think
                  about the real world… Could Earth ever be
                  in that kind of danger?
          Duong:  That’s funny,  Trang also asked me what I
                  thought would happen to Earth in the future.
          Nhi:     And how did you answer?
          Duong:  I said I didn’t know but that Earth might be
                  run by aliens!
          Nhi:    Ha! That’s true; nobody knows.
                  Ha! ! ThTTT attt’s ttttttrrururururuuuuuurr eeeeee;e;eeee  nobodody y knnowws.s

          58   Unit 12/ Life on Other Planets
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