Page 61 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 61

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                                                          Reported speech: questions

          May and might: review                             We use the verb  ask when reporting
                                                            questions. In reported questions we use
            REMEMBER!                                       the statement word order and the question
                                                            mark is omitted.
            1.   We use may/ might to say that something is
               possible at present or in the future.        1.   To report a  Wh-question, we use  Subject
                                                               +  asked (somebody) +  question word +
               He may/ might be in the offi  ce.
            2.   Normally, either can be used. Although, using
                                                               ‘What were you doing at the time?’
               may slightly increases the chance that
               something will happen.                          She asked (me) what I was doing/ I had been
                                                               doing at the time.
                                                            2.   To report a Yes/ No question, we use Subject
               -  Tom may lend you the money. (This is unlikely.)
                                                               + asked (somebody) + if/ whether + clause.
               -  Tom might lend you the money. (I think this is
                very unlikely.)
                                                               ‘Did the alien talk to you?’
            3.   May is sometimes used in formal English,
               meaning to be allowed. Might is NOT used in      She asked me if/ whether the alien talked/
               this case.                                      had talked to me.
                                                               Remember that pronouns, possessive
               Lecturers may use projectors if they wish.      adjectives, verb tenses, and time expressions
                                                               change in reported questions just as in
                                                               reported statements. Look back at Unit 11
                                                               for a review of hohoww ththeyeyy c chahange.
                                                               for a review of how they change.
             Use may/ might to fi ll each of the blank.
          1.   You _______ have a little diffi  culty driving at night.
          2.   I _______ have an allergy to shrimp. I have never
             tried it.
          3.   We _______ go to London for a holiday, if we can
             still aff ord it.
          4.  The examiner says we _______ leave when we’ve
             fi nished.
          5.   I don’t know, but I _______ go to the lecture about
          6.   Students  _______ only borrow four books at
             a time.
          7.   There _______ be life on other planets.
          8.   Students over fi fteen  _______ bring a phone to

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