Page 65 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 65

                                                             Listen again and tick ( ) true (T), false (F) or
                                                             not given (NG).
                                                                                           T   F  NG
                                                           1.  The inhabitants may be very similar
                                                             to human beings.
          $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
                                                           3. It is very cold there.

             Work in pairs. Describe the pictures and Work in pairs. DescWork in pairs. Des
                                                           4.  They may be far-sighted.
             answer the questions.
                                                           5.  They may need air for their
          1.  What do the pictures show? Do you think they   existence.
             really exist?                                 6. They may need lots of food and
          2.  What do you want to know about them?           drink.
          3.  What would you do if you saw one of them?y  y

                                                             Work in pairs. Imagine what an alien may
                                                             be like. Use your imagination to fi ll the web

                                                                       He/ She may/ might have ________ eye/eyes.

                                                              He/ She may/might be ________.

                                                           He/ She may/ might eat ________.

                                                         His/ Her skin may/ might be ________.

                                                          His/ Her hair may/ might be ________.

                                                           He/ She may/ might wear ________
                   t T   ’ i   i  d d    i ti   f  h t     clothing.
             Listen to Tom’s imagined description of what Li t
             an alien from another planet may be like.
             Fill each blank with no more than three words   He/ She may/ might be similar to us in that
             from the recording.                           __________________________.

           Which planet are   They are from (1) ________         He/ She may/ might be different from humans
           they from?                                            in that __________________________.
                              They may be (2)  ________
           What are they like?  and (3)  ________ than       Now use the notes to write a description of
                              human beings                   your alien.

           What do they look   They may have (4) ________,
           like?              a lot of (5)  ________, and
                              (6) ________.

           What are their     Very good.  They may be
           senses like?       able to sense (7)  ________,
                              or (8) ________.
                                                             Swap your work with your partner. How S  k  ith  t  H
           What do they live   (9)  ________, from the (10)   diff erent is your description from your
           on?                ________                       partner’s?

          65   Unit 12/ Life on Other Planets
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