Page 69 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 69

6.,//6                                         Speaking
          Reading                                             Choose one of the questions that interests
                                                             you the most.
             Read the following passage and mark the
             sentences as true (T) or false (F).          1.   What form of communication is used most
                                                             widely today?
                                                          2.   What form of communication do you think will
                                                             be used the most in 2100?
                            Texting                       3.   What is the most important invention of the past
                                                             hundred years?
                   Where r u? We r @ Lotte on 2/F.
                                                          4.   Who is the greatest person in the history of
                   I’ll b 5 mins late. CUS.
                   Wanna c a movie this wkd?
                                                          5.   What would life be like on Mars in 100 years’
                   Pls call me rite bck. Thx.
                   Hi! Wot R U doin 2nite?
                   Did u c it? LOL.                       Prepare to talk for about one minute. Take turns
                                                          to talk in groups.
                 Texting is a new way of exchanging       Listening
                 information, and it is becoming more and
                 more popular among the young. In fact,      Listen to the conversation and choose the
                 texting is clearly aff ecting language. There
                                                             correct answer to each question.
                 are no rules for it. We are creating a new
                                                          1.   How many times did Nick try to phone his brother?
                 aspect of vocabulary and opening up a new
                                                              A. Three       B. Four        C. Five
                 kind of playful and direct communication.
                 Naturally, texting is fun and that’s  fi ne,   2.   Mike asked Nick ______.
                 but some people are worried about the        A. why he got very angry
                 eff ects it might have on a child’s ability to read
                                                              B. what he wanted to tell Tom
                 and write. But not everyone is so worried.
                                                              C. if he had the wrong number
                 An expert says, “Every time a new medium
                 comes along it has an eff ect on language …   3.   Where was  Tom when Nick phoned the last
                 But this doesn’t destroy the existing language,   time?
                 it adds to it.” In text messages, many words   A. He was out.     B. He was busy.
                 come from shorthand created in email,
                                                              C. He was at home.
                 such as CUS (See you soon) and so on.
                                                          4.   Nick wanted to get in touch with Tom because
                 Someone says, “Mostly they are original, but
                 sometimes you get a clash of meanings. For
                 example, LOL can mean both Laugh Out Loud    A. his landline telephone was out of order
                 and Lots of Love. That could lead to some    B. they were cut off
                 misunderstandings.”                          C. he had a crossed line
                                                          5.   Nick had a communication breakdown because
                                                             of ______.
                                                              A. a language barrier   B. cultural diff erences
          1.   There are no rules for texting.                C. a lack of communication channels
          2.   Texting is always aff ecting language in a bad      Writing
                                                             Write an online message to a friend and tell
          3.   Everyone is worried about texting.            him/ her about the problems you have had
          4.   A child should not write text messages.       recently with your iPad.
          5.   Texting is said to enrich a language.          You can refer to the following:
                                                              -   time-consuming
          6.   Sometimes, there is more than one way of
                                                              -  fl at battery
             understanding a message.                         -  weak signal
                                                              -  no connection

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