Page 64 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 64


                                                             Match the headings with the paragraphs
          Reading                                            (1-3). There is one extra.
                                                          A.  Reasons why we may be able to live on Mars.
           D   Look at the pictures and discuss the questions.
                                                          B.  Reasons why we may not be able to live on Mars.
          1.   What are the names of the two planets in pictures
                                                          C.  Explanation for the name of Mars.
             A and B?
                                                          D.  Reasons for explorations of Mars.
          2.   How do you think the pictures are diff erent?
                                                             Read the text again and answer the questions.
           $                                              1.  What is the other name for Mars?
                                                          2.  What are the lowest and the highest
                                                             temperatures on Mars?
                                                          3.  Why is it poisonous to live on Mars?
                                                          4.  Which is longer, a day on Earth or a day on Mars?
                                                          5.  How long is a year on Mars?
          E Read the text below and check your answers.
          1.  Mars is called the Red Planet because of    Speaking
             its reddish surface. There have been many       Work in pairs. One is a human and the other
             explorations to Mars by humans since the        is a Martian. Use the suggestions below
             mid-20  century. Scientists hope that we        to ask and answer about life on Earth and
             can find another planet to  accommodate         life on Mars.
             human life.
          2.  There are major reasons why the                             Human           Martian
             climate on Mars is unsuitable for             Food        rice, bread, meat...  tablets, rocks, ...
             human life. Temperatures on Mars can          Drink       water, juice,  ...  liquid from under the rock...
             be as low as -87 degrees Celsius and          Sleep       6 - 8 hours/ night...  2-3 hours/ night...
             rarely get above 0 degrees Celsius.           Travel      bicycle, car...  fl ying car, space buggy, UFO...
             But the bigger problem is the lack of oxygen.             forests, lakes, oceans,   dry, dessert, rocky landscape,
             95% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide       Environment  mountains, cities, ...  caves...
             (CO ), and this is  poisonous to breathe.                 diseases, pollution,
             Moreover, there is no water on Mars even      Problems    overpopulation...  survival, lonliness...
             though scientists have found traces of it.
          3.  However, as early as the mid-19  century,   Example:                  Well, we eat things like
             scientists discovered that Mars had some             So what kind of   rice, bread, cooked meat.
             similarities to Earth. A day on Mars is 24           food do you eat?  And you?
             hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds, almost
             the same as a day on Earth. Mars also
             experiences seasons just as Earth does.
             However, the seasons are twice as long
             because a year on Mars lasts about twice
             as long as an Earth year.

             Find words in the text that have similar
             meanings to these words or phrases.
          1.  causing death or illness
          2.  two times
          3.  has, goes through                              Now swap pairs. The human of one pair works
          4.  marks or signs showing that something happened  with the Martian of the other pair. Take turns
          5.  the outside or top layer of something          to report what your previous partner said
          6.   weather conditions of a particular place      about life on their planet to your new partner
          7.  provide a place to live                        to see if he/ she said similar things.

          64   Unit 12/ Life on Other Planets
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