Page 67 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 67

                                                          SPAACE EXXPPLOOORAAATTTIIOOONNNN
             Choose the right sentences (A-E) to put into
             the dialogue.
                                                             Write the phrases in the box under the pictures,
                                                             and then answer the questions.

                                                            space buggy   space shuttle      Vostok spacecraft

          Interviewer: Do UFOs really exist, Prof. Kent?
          Prof. Kent:  (1) ______________________________
          Interviewer:  Yes. When was the fi rst post-war UFO
                      sighting in the US?
                                                          A.                      B B B
                                                                                  B.   __________________
                                                          A.   __________________
          Prof. Kent:   (2) ______________________________
          Interviewer: Wow!  Very long ago! How about
                      notable sightings in the 21  century?
          Prof. Kent:   (3) ______________________________
          Interviewer: So… were all sightings in the USA?
          Prof. Kent:  (4) ______________________________
          Interviewer: Incredible!                                   C
                                                                     C.   __________________
          Prof. Kent:  (5) ______________________________
                                                          1.   What are the things in the pictures?
                                                          2.   When might they be used?
          A.   In 2001, at least 15 people, including two police   3.   Who might use them?
             offi  cers saw UFOs in the night sky in New Jersey.
                                                              Work in groups. Choose a space vehicle
          B.   Well, there have been many UFO sightings
                                                             or machine you like from the pictures or
          C.   Not at all. On April 23, 2007, Captain Ray Bowyer
             and his passengers gained clear views of two      Search for information about the vehicle or
             UFOs when they were fl ying in the English      machine.
             Channel.                                        -  What is the vehicle/ machine called?
          D.   On June 24, 1947. Kenneth Arnold, a private   -  Where and when might it be used?
             pilot spotted nine shiny discs fl ying past Mount
                                                             -  What energy does the vehicle/ machine use?
                                                             -  Who can control the vehicle/ machine?
          E.   Yes, and in 2008, according to media reports, a
                                                             -  What is special about this vehicle/ machine?
             police helicopter was almost hit by a UFO…
                                                             Present the information to the class. Vote for
                                                             the best presentation.
           Finished! Now I can…
           ●  talk about life on other planets
           ●   report questions
           ●  pronounce words ending in
             -ful and -less
             correctly in isolation and in
           ●  describe an imaginary
             inhabitant of another planet

          67   Unit 12/ Life on Other Planets
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