Page 66 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 66

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          Vocabulary                                         Underline the correct answers.

             Rearrange the letters to label the pictures.p  1.   He asked me when/ if there were people living
                                                             on Venus.

                                                          2.   They wanted to know when the fi rst spacecraft
                                                             had been/ was launched.
                                                          3.   She asked them how/ who had been the fi rst to
                                                             step onto the moon.
                                      PSCEA GYGBU
                 SELIAN                                   4.   They asked me which spacecraft was/ had been
                                                             the fi rst to explore Mars.
                                                          5.   Students asked how/ who the scientists explored
                                                             other planets.
                                                          6.   He asked me what food people on other planets
                                                             had eaten/ ate.
                                  SALRO SEMYST            7.   She asked her teacher if/ what UFO stood for.

                                                              Put the words/ phrases in the correct order to
                                                             make reported questions.
                                                          1.   He/ would react/ asked me/ an alien/ how/ I/
                                                             if I saw/.
                   LPATNE             SCESPPHAI           2.   most suitable/ The teacher/ which planet/ asked
                                                             me/ was/ for human life/.

                                                          3.   on the moon/ My friend/ had fi rst landed/ asked
                                                             me/ when/ humans/.
                                                          4.   a planet/ a star/ She asked me/ the diff erence
                                                             between/ what/ and/ was/.
              LYFING CAUSER           XAGALY              5.   if/ was/ They asked/ on Mars/ there/ water.

                                                              Change the following questions into reported
             Fill each gap with a suitable word from the     questions.
                                                          1.   ‘What are the essential conditions for human
            surface      climate      NASA                   life?’ the teacher asked her students.
            traces       experienced  accommodate
                                                          2.   ‘Have humans been able to communicate with
                                                             people on other planets?’ Samuel asked the
          1.   The Earth seems too small to  ________ the
             increasing population.
                                                          3.   ‘Did the Roswell UFO incident take place in the
          2.   Water covers 75% of the Earth’s ________.
                                                             U.S. in June 1947?’ Nick asked the journalist.
          3.   Attempts have been made to fi nd  ________ of
                                                          4.   ‘Who was the witness in the Roswell UFO
                                                             incident?’ Vanessa asked her uncle.
          4.  Astronauts  ________ diffi  culties when they fi rst   5.   ‘When will humans be able to travel from one
             landed on the moon.
                                                             planet to another more easily?’ The son asked
          5.   The ________ on other planets is very diff erent to   his father.
             that on Earth.                               6.   ‘Why can’t people move to Mars immediately?’
          6.   ________ stands for National Aeronautics and   Diane asked her mother.
             Space Administration.

          66   Unit 12/ Life on Other Planets
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