Page 68 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 68

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           /$1*8$*( /$1*8$*(                              Grammar

          Pronunciation                                      Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
             Mark the stress for the following words, then   Will people still read books in 50 years’ time?
             listen and repeat.
                                                          Scientists think that we will still read books. But
            unidentifi ed  ability  successful  capability  books of the future (1. be)  ______ similar to the
            meaningful  immobile  informative  unpopular  books we have today? The answer is no. In the
            unsuitable  wireless  interactive  powerless  future we will only need (2. buy)  ______ one book.
            paperless  possessive  impossible  colourless  With this one book we will be able (3. read)  ______
                                                          novels, plays, and even newspapers. It might
                                                          (4. look)  ______ like today’s books, but it (5. be)
             Complete  the words in these sentences. All   ______ electronic. When we press a button, words
             the words are taken from the list in  . Then
             listen, and check.                           (6. appear) ______ on the page. When we want (7. read)
                                                          ______ a diff erent story, we can push the button again,
          1.   Oxygen is a col______ gas.                 and a new story (8. appear) ______ instantly.
          2.   Doctors said that the disease was caused by an
             uni______ virus.
                                                             Rewrite the following sentences in reported
          3.   The technology can be used to produce int______
             educational programmes.                         speech.
          4.   Animals in the zoo have lost the  cap______ of   1.  Lena said: “I enjoy chatting on the phone with
             catching food for themselves.                   my friends.”
          5.   Most people need a mea______ relationship with   2.   The teacher said: “A communication breakdown
             another person.                                 may happen due to cultural diff erences.”
          6.   It  is  imp______ to count all the stars in the   3.   “What might the inhabitants of Jupiter look
             Milky Way.                                      like?” Duong said.
                                                          4.  Chau said: “Will we still have traffi  c jams in 30
          Vocabulary                                         years’ time?”
                                                          5.   “I’ve read a book about life on other planets,”
             Match each verb in column A with a phrase in
             column B.                                       Phuc told me.
                     A                   B                Everyday English
              1.   meet       - into space
                                                             Match the questions in the fi rst column with
              2. make         - face-to-face
                                                             their answers in the second column.
              3. exchange     - inventions
              4. fl y         - from science and technology  1.   What planet is   A.  I don’t think that will ever
              5. move         - information                  she from?        happen.
              6. benefi t     - round the sun
                                                           2.   How do      B.   When people don’t speak the
                                                             Martians travel?  same language.
             Write the correct form of the words in
             brackets to complete the passage.             3.   Where will we be  C.   For discovering radium and
                                                             living in 2100?  polonium.
          I always wanted to be a great (1. science) ______. I dreamt
                                                           4.   What is     D.  Oh, she’s from Mars.
          of discovering a new drug that would save the lives of
          thousands of people. Unfortunately, I was not good at
                                                           5.   Do you think   E.   We might be living on Mars or
          (2. chemist) ______ at school and I kept making horrible
                                                             robots will      Venus.
          mistakes and the teacher got frustrated with me.
                                                             replace teachers?
          After some time, I decided I would become an (3. invent)
                                                           6.    What was Marie   F.  Mostly by fl ying car.
          ______ and design an amazing new product which would
                                                             Curie famous for?
          become famous. My parents were encouraging but told me
          to be a little more practical and not quite so (4. ambition)   7.   Did he say that   G.   It’s the set of rules of proper
          ______. A few weeks later, I had a brilliant idea for a pen   he would come?  behaviour among people
                                                                              using the Internet.
          that would pronounce a word when you wrote it down.
          But I became (5. happy) ______ when a friend told me that   8.   When is there a   H.  Yes, he did.
          it was not a new (6. invent) ______.               language barrier?

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