Page 59 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 59

           D  Tick ( ) true (T) or false (F).   T   F
           1.  Duong and  Trang saw a boring fi lm
           2.  Nhi has seen Star Trek 2009.
           3. Star Trek is a non-fi ction fi lm.
           4.  Nhi and Trang sometimes think about        5. ____________________  6. _____________________
             the future of the world.
           5.  Duong sounds sure about the future
             of the Earth.

          E  Read the conversation again and answer the

          1.  Who is the captain of the spaceship?        7. ____________________  8. _____________________
          2.  Where did the crew go in Star Trek 2009?
                                                             Use the words/ phrases in   to fi ll the blanks.
          3.  When does the story in  Star Trek  Into Darkness
             happen?                                      1.   The  ________  were green and they had huge
          4.  What do you think is the Enterprise?           heads and big eyes.
          5.  What does John Harrison want to do?         2.   The aliens came out of a ________, which looked
                                                             like a disk.
          F  Can you fi nd the sentences in reported speech
             in the conversation? Underline them.         3.   A ________ is a vehicle used for  travelling on the
                                                             surface of the moon.
                                                          4.  A moon moves round a ________ and a ________
                                                             moves round a star.
                                                          5.   In a  ________ environment, everything fl oats
                                                          6.   There are eight planets that move round the Sun
                                                             in our ________.
                                                          7.   We don’t know how many solar systems there
             Use the words/ phrases in the box to label the   are in each ________.
             pictures. Then listen and repeat.
                                                          8.   Vostok  1 is the name of the  ________ in which
                                                             Yuri Gagarin fl ew into outer space.
            aliens           space buggy          galaxy          planet
            weightless   solar system   spaceship   UFO            *$0(  :+$7 $1' :+(5(

                                                             Listen and follow the teacher’s instructions to
                                                             play the game.

          1. ____________________  2. _____________________

          3. ____________________  4. _____________________

          59   Unit 12/ Life on Other Planets
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