Page 57 - SGK Tieng anh lop 8 thi diem tap 2
P. 57

Communication                                   Finished! Now I can … .
             Write one prediction for each of the following
             fi elds, based on the cues and your own ideas.  ●     talk about the roles of science
                                                             and technology
             Then share it with the class.
                                                          ●     use future tenses
              education      food   leisure   energy      ●     use reported speech
              home life        transport       communication  ●     pronounce words starting
                                                             with un- and im- correctly in
                 Example:                                    isolation and in sentences
                            In transport, we will probably   ●     write a paragraph to express
                         travel faster and further in fl ying cars   agreement/ disagreement
                                                             about the roles of science and
                                 and spaceships.

             ·  solar energy all year round
             ·  no schools, lessons on the Net
             ·  nutrition pills instead of normal food
             ·  5D-cinema at home
             ·  home security protection with cameras
             ·  entertainment centre at home
            ·  smart phone app

                                               Young Inventors

             Read the following passage and answer the       If you could invent something new, what
             questions that follow.                          would you develop? Choose one of these or
                                                             your own idea.

                                                             -   a game that can be played by four people
           John J. Stone-Parker                              -     a sport that can be played indoors by a group
                                                               of people
             John J Stone-Parker iss one
             John J. Stone-Parker is one                     -     a medicine that can make you do something
             of the youngest inventors in
                                                                                 vent accidents at home
             the world. While still a small child, John was   -   a device that can prevent accidents at home
             very fond of creating new things. He saw that   -    a machine that can recycle everything at
                                                                                   recycle everything at
             his dad had trouble every time he had a drink     home
             with ice cubes in it, so John came up with
             the idea of creating a star-shaped device that      Write/ talk about your invention:nvention:
             would prevent the ice cubes from slipping out   -   what it is
             of the glass. He patented this object when he   -   what it is used for
             was just four years old in 1989.
                                                             -   how it works
                                                             -   how it can help people le

          1.   What was John J. Stone-Parker’s invention?
          2.   Do you think that his invention was useful?

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