Page 136 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 136

J   OK, that sounds fun   and the members aren't JUSt    Of course, you have to do a little exerc1se and keep fit as
                  people from other countnes, non-Austral1ans. are they?   well. I know you'll have a lot of work and may not have
                                                                        t1me to JOin a gym   but consider how often you take the
               D  No, not at all  The ma1n  point of the club IS to g1ve people
                                                                        lift. rather than the stairs. or how often you dnve rather
                  like you the the chance to m1x m more w1th people
                                                                        than walk  Health w1se, it may JUSt be a quest1on of d01ng
                  from th1s country, people of all ages- you'll find us very
                                                                        thmgs differently, rather than start1ng a very act1ve sport
                  fnendly' I th1nk the contact has a pos1t1ve effect on VISitors
                  to th1s country - and 111  fact. 1t affects us locals pos1t1vely   In fact. be1ng generally act1ve 1s much healthier than d01ng
                  as well  You know, 1t's a sort of Intercultural expenence for   lots of exerc1se JUSt occasionally  As you know, th1s can
                  everybody And of course you should get the chance to   be as nsky for your heart as be1ng 1nact1ve' As long as
                  do all sorts of actiVIties w1th other members of the club 1f   you do at least an hour's exerc1se a day- and some of
                  you want to - 1t's not JUSt for talk1ng  And hopefully you'll   you will do more than that at work- you'll find that you
                  make fnends w1th people who have similar interests    don't he awake at night worry1ng about the next day - and
                                                                        that's the ma1n advantage of exerc1se  Remember - th1s
               J   It sounds great. I'm really look1ng forward to the first
                                                                        1s a hospital, and you are supposed to be the healthiest
                                                                        people here 1
               COl Track 3                                              Mov1ng on to health and safety, I want to po1nt out that 1t's
               a   Well, I think the people here are very fnendly and I've   qu1te OK to take a break any t1me that you're not busy  We
                  made a lot of new fnends. And the course I'm domg 1s   know that when there's an emergency you may have to
                  great. I th1nk I'm learn1ng a lot.                    miss that cup of tea or coffee in the canteen or wherever
                                                                        you go, but generally you shouldn't work for more than
               b  Well, I'm not too keen on fly1ng because you spend too
                                                                        three hours without a break, otherw1se your attention
                  long at a1rports. but I like tra1n JOurneys a lot because you
                                                                        levels w1ll drop and you could then moke a careless
                  see the country as you travel through 11  It's qu1te relax1ng
               c   I find 1t hard bemg away from my fam1ly and not seemg my
                                                                        Another Important 1ssue 1s hyg1ene  You're all tramed to
                  fnends  You know, I m1ss them, but apart from that 1t's fine
                                                                        clean your hands at work, but remember that germs can
               d   I've been here s1nce I came to un1vers1ty, so for about two   live for a long t1me. so please make sure that you don't
                  years.                                                leave even a small amount of rubbish around   there
                                                                        are brooms 111  the cupboards, so use them  We do have
               COl Track 4                                              cleaners. but they aren't always here when you need
               1   Well, I th1nk the people here are very fnendly and I've   them. I'm afra1d, and a little d1rt can soon bUild up
                  made a lot of new fnends
                                                                     COl Track 6
               2   Well, I'm not too keen on fly1ng because you spend too
                                                                     Debbie    Now, as you're all new, I'm JUSt g01ng to show you
                  long at a~rports
                                                                        a map of the hosp1tal and po1nt out a few key places. Let's
               3   I find 1t hard be1ng away from my family and not see1ng my   start with the recreation centre. At the moment. we're 111
                  friends                                               the ma1n bu1ld1ng, that's here   and 1f you go out of the
               4   I've been here s1nce I came to un1vers1ty, so for about two   mam entrance and JUSt along the mam road to the east
                  years.                                                  you'll f1nd the staff recreatron centre  It's th1s T-shaped
                                                                        building   and there's a range of th1ngs that you can do
             Unit 2                                                     here to help you relax
                                                                        If you get ill, we do have a health centre for all registered
               CDl Track 5                                              employees. and th1s 1s directly beh1nd the ma1n hospital
               Debbie    Good afternoon  My name's Debb1e Green and     build1ng  So, 1f you go out of the back ex1t, 1t's just 1n front
                  I'm go1ng to g1ve you a short but hopefully 1nterestmg   of you. and there's a small pharmacy next to 1t  I'm based
                  Introduction to work1ng at th1s hosp1tal  I'll start w1th some   here and I have a few leaflets on th1ngs 1f you want to
                  guidelines about nutnt1on and fitness   er. because   come and see me
                  a hosp1tal enwonment can be stressful, and so we      Many of you w1ll be do1ng sh1ft work, so you m1ght like to
                  always encourage our staff to stay fit and have a healthy   go to the 24-hour sw1mm1ng pool and sauna  They're very
                  lifestyle  So   JUSt a few t1ps first. As you know, the key   close by, and 1t doesn't cost much money to get 111. If you
                  to good health 1s eat1ng what we call 'a balanced diet';   walk out of the front of the ma1n build1ng, there's a road
                  many people don't do th1s, however. For one th1ng. they   straight ahead of you   go down that and turn left 1nto
                  don't eat enough fru1t and vegetables or home-prepared   Tye Road  -you'll see the pool entrance at the end of that
                  food  When you feel hungry, 1t's often too easy to grab   road, JUSt beyond the line of trees
                  something qu1ck. because you·re t1red or busy  Cookmg a
                  healthy meal takes longer. and th1s 1s often why people live
                  on sandw1ches and fast food 1nstead  Please - don't fall
                  1nto th1s unhealthy trap.

            @ Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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