Page 140 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 140

COl Track 18                                             Yes. there 1s. actually  I'm not a meat eater. so you'll need
                                                                     to spec1fy to the a1rline that I need to eat vegetanan meals
            Elena     Mm, well, I'm not sure. Some people do perhaps,
                                                                     when I fly
               for example young people who should be study1ng                                       '
               mstead. but a lot of people use the Internet for the1r   T  OK   vegetanan meals  By the way, what nationality are
               JObs or for other th1ngs  Maybe too much t1me chatt1ng   you. Mr Petrov?
               to fnends. not enough t1me domg other th1ngs  Mm,
                                                                     I'm Russ1an  From St Petersburg ong1nally
               too much t1me s1tt1ng down. But many people leave the
               Internet connected all day because they use 1t 1nstead of a   T   I JUSt ask because I may need to see 1f you'll need a v1sa
               telephone for messages or 1nstead of go1ng to the library,   for some of the places you m1ght VISit. I'm JUSt p01nting
               so I th1nk 1t depends. For some th1ngs. 1t saves t1me   that out because you want to go fatrly soon and it can
                                                                     sometimes be qu1te a lengthy process
          Unit 5
                                                                 COl Track 20
           COl  Track 19                                         Igor      So. what optiOns are still available?
            Igor      Mornmg                                     Travel agent  OK. There are these three poss1b11it1es wh1ch
                                                                     I managed to pnnt out earlier  I thought they looked good.
           Travel agent   Good morn1ng. Er. JUSt a moment and I'll be
               With you  Um, now, how can I help you?                OK, let's have a look
               Yes. I phoned you earlier about an eco-holiday - you   T   Um. the first 1s called the Dumbarton Tablelands  It looks
               know, one of those holidays where you don't damage the   pretty good to me  It's 1n Western Australia  The holiday
               enwonment at all and you get close to nature          really Involves bemg close to and watching ammals -
           T  Yes. I remember  Mr Petrov. 1sn't 1t?                  almost liv1ng w1th them, 111  fact, because you get to stay
                                                                     111  a qu1te luxunous house or cab1n built h1gh up 1n a tree
               Yes, Igor Petrov  You sa1d you were go1ng to look up what   and surrounded by lovely countryside  And, you know.
               was ava1lable at rather short not1ce                  there are b1rds and lizards and th1ngs 1f you like that sort
           T  I d1d, and I've got a few th1ngs here. Just before I show   ofth1ng. so you're very sort of
               them to you, though, let me get down a few details    Close to nature.
                                                                 T  Close to nature. that's nght
           T   R1ght  Now. how long are you hop1ng to go for - a week,   Sounds Interesting  I guess I could enJOY that. Er, what
               a month?
                                                                     else have you got?
               I ong1nally planned to go for three weeks, but I th1nk
                                                                 T  Well. there's th1s one 111  the Bago Nature Reserve. where
               actually two would be better.
                                                                     you go and stay w1th a local fam1ly 111  the1r house 111  a small
           T  F1ne. I'll JUSt note that down  Mm. I th1nk 1t's a good length   mountam v1llage away from other tounsts and the usual
               for a holiday You don't want to go for too long or 1t's   tounst spots. so you d1scover lots about the way they live
               difficult to get back to work aga1n afterwards. I always   and you sort of live 111  the fam1ly, share the1r meals, help
               th1nk  And what's the lim1t on how much you're prepared   them with the1r work. that sort of th1ng
               to pay?
                                                                     Mm. Not so much of a holiday, then
               Yes, I don't really want to go above £1.750 1f I can help 1t
                                                                 T   Well. 1t depends on you  It's very different. and they say
           T  Mm     F1ne. but when you come to look at the brochures,   a change 1s as good as a rest. And then there's San Luis
               I should JUSt po1nt out that each of them has a d1scount 1f   Island.
               you pay 111  advance
                                                                     Mm. What happens at San Lu1s?
               Oh! That's good. How much 1s 1t?
                                                                 T  Well. 1t's a small1sland. JUSt a few m1les from the coast
           T   It depends on the holiday you choose. but 1t's worth   of Central Amenca, but I'm not sure 1f 1t's really up your
               beanng 111  m1nd  Do you have any spec1al reqUirements   street. You m1ght like 1t because InternatiOnal tounsm
               wh1ch I should note down, by the way?                 hasn't spoilt it yet. but I'd say 1t's more a holiday for young
                                                                     people. You go and l1ve 1n a hostel and, you know, you
               Er. yes, one th1ng I'm keen on 1s hav1ng travel msurance
                                                                     help pamt the local school and you get to meet the k1ds
               wh1le I'm away, so can you g1ve me a quote?
                                                                    and sort of try your hand at teach1ng
           T  Well, I can't actually at the moment because our Internet
                                                                    Teaching what?
               connect1on IS down JUSt now, but as soon as we have 1t
               up and runn1ng aga111 and we know what holiday you've   T   Oh. Engl1sh or maths, whatever you're good at. What
               chosen, I'll g1ve you a call. Is there anyth1ng else?   makes the Island 1nterest1ng. though, IS thetr emiSSions
                                                                     policy. There are no cars - you have to walk or use a
                                                                     b1cycle to get about. and you get there by sail1ng boat

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