Page 142 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 142

as you move the card around 111 front of you  Th1s sort of detail   Irina   Well, I th1nk 1t's very important, because 1f
               makes cards very hard to forge. although. like w1th anythmg   compan1es don't   I mean. unless compan1es advert1se
               else. there are people out there who'll try. Then. on the back.   a new product, we won't know that 1t ex1sts and we
              there's another of those soph1st1cated h1gh-tech deta1ls. and   can't buy Jt  In other words, compan1eS' g1ve us - how do
              that's the magnetic stnp. wh1ch 1s th1s black thmg gomg from   you say - JnformatJon about the1r products so that we
               one s1de to the other. wh1ch contains certa1n coded details   can choose the one we want  I th1nk also 1t's Important
              Wh1le we're on the back. you'll see another lighter stnp w1th   because compan1es - what's the word - compete w1th
              three numbers at the end. That's your secunty number, wh1ch   each other and they have to try to w1n. mm. I mean attract
               they always ask for when you use the card for an Internet   customers. For example, you know. 1f they want people to
               purchase or over the phone. and it also has a space where   buy some clothes 111 the latest fash1on. or for 1nstance, er.
              you, as the card holder. should put your s1gnature so that shop   a spec1al new dnnk for people do1ng sports.
               assistants can compare 1t when you s1gn a payment slip.
                                                                    CD2 Track 5
               Go1ng back to the front. m the bottom nght-hand corner. you'll
               usually find the bank logo and JUSt to the left of 1t, there's your   Irina   Well, actually, I don't usually f1nd advertisements
               own name 111  ra1sed pnnt                                very persuas1ve, so I remember this one qu1te well,
                                                                        because 1t was for an energy dnnk.
               One th1ng you always need for telephone and Internet sales
               1s the exp1ry date. and on the card 1n front of you. that's JUSt
              above the cardholder's name  F1nally, m most places. you have   CD2 Track 6
               to msert your card 1nto a machine and key 111  your PIN  Just
                                                                    Irina     Well. actually, I don't usually find advertisements
              above the card number on the left. you can see a chip, and
                                                                        very persuas1ve. so I remember th1s one qu1te well,
              that ch1p IS there to venfy that the PIN you have entered IS
               correct                                                  because 1t was for an energy dnnk - you know, one of
                                                                        those really colourful dnnks wh1ch you're supposed to
                                                                        dnnk to help you have more strength or be more act1ve
               CD2 Track 3
                                                                        when you do a sporting actiVIty  or anyth1ng else you
               Irina     Well, actually, I don't usually find advertisements
                                                                        enJoy, like dance  In fact. I saw 1t on televiSIOn one night,
                  very persuas1ve, so I remember th1s one qu1te well,
                                                                        wh1ch IS also strange, because I don't generally watch
                  because 1t was for an energy dnnk - you know. one of   much televiSIOn  ..  I don't usually have t1me and even 1f I
                  those really colourful drinks which you're supposed to
                                                                        do, when they're advertiSing someth1ng. I usually go off
                  dnnk to help you have more strength or be more act1ve
                                                                        and do someth1ng else - make a telephone call or do the
                  when you do a sporting actJvJty  .. or anyth1ng else you
                                                                        wash1ng-up or someth1ng  Anyway. th1s one showed one
                  enJoy, like dance. In fact. I saw 1t on televiSion one n1ght,   of those Olymp1c athletes - I can't remember her name
                  which 1s also strange because I don't generally watch
                                                                        - w1nnJng the hundred metres and then show1ng the
                  much television  I don't usually have t1me and even 1f I
                                                                        product, w1th all, you know. one hundred percent natural
                  do. when they're advert1s1ng someth1ng. I usually go off
                                                                        1ngred1ents  I mean, the advert 111  Itself wasn't anything
                  and do something else - make a telephone call or do the
                                                                        special. 1t was JUSt l1ke most other adverts. except that
                  wash1ng-up or something  Anyway, th1s one showed one
                                                                        Jt had th1s person who. at the t1me. was pretty famous
                  of those Olymp1c athletes - I can't remember her name
                                                                        and successful  At the t1me, I was studymg hard for my
                  - Winning the hundred metres and then showmg the      umvers1ty entrance exams and I was also 1n my school
                  product, w1th all. you know. one hundred percent natural
                                                                        volleyball team. so I thought why not, I'll try 1t and I did
                  1ngred1ents  I mean. the advert 111  Itself wasn't anythmg
                                                                        The dnnk was qu1te n1ce - I mean. 1t didn't have a strong
                  spec1al,  1t was Just like most other adverts, except that
                                                                        taste. but the flavour was f1ne. It was qu1te expens1ve. so
                  1t had th1s person who. at the t1me. was pretty famous
                                                                        I don't buy 1t often. but 1t's. you know. 1t's an energy dnnk.
                  and successful. At the t1me.  I was study1ng hard for my
                                                                        and I like 1t and think Jt does make me feel a bit more
                  un1vers1ty entrance exams and I was also 111  my school
                  volleyball team, so I thought why not, I'll try 1t and I d1d
                  The dnnk was qu1te n1ce - I mean. 1t d1dn't have a strong
                  taste. but the flavour was fine. It was qu1te expens1ve. so   Unit 7
                  I don't buy 1t often. but 1t's, you know, 1t's an energy dnnk.
                                                                    CD2 Track 7
                  and I like 1t and th1nk 1t does make me feel a b1t more
                  energet1c1                                        Victor    H1. Fum1ko. how IS the psychology course go1ng?
                                                                    Fumiko    Oh h1, Victor, I'm really enJOYing 1t, but I've
               CD2 Track 4
                                                                        got a proJect th1s term that 1s   you know. part of my
               Examiner  Now. we've been talk1ng about advertiSing, and   assessment. and the top1c s really hard
                  I'd like to ask you some more general quest1ons related to
                                                                    V  Oh - 1s 1t 1deas that you need?
                  th1s  Let's consider first of all company advertiSing  How
                  Important do youth1nk 1t 1s for compan1es to advertise   F  Oh thanks   but I th1nk I've got plenty   that's the
                  the1r products?                                       trouble - I don't really know where to start. My tutor's
                                                                        g1ven me such a huge area to cover that I can't seem to
                                                                        narrow 1t down to something I can manage.
            §   Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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