Page 137 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 137

We've talked about eattng healthily, and there's a very   COl Track 8
               useful store nearby that sells a large range of organ1c
                                                                    Er, she we1ghs everything very qu1ckly   and you can't
               products and health-food supplements. Th1s 1s also 1n
                                                                    barga1n w1th her   but the pnce 1s always reasonable
               front of the ma1n bu1ld1ng, but th1s t1me you need to go
               beyond the turn1ng for Tye Road and you'll see 1t on the
                                                                 COl Track 9
               right-hand corner. dwectly oppos1te another build1ng.
                                                                 1     we're students. so we can't afford to eat 111  restaurants
               F1nally, 1f you want a healthy meal and you have very little   very often
               t1me to get 1t. of course there's always the canteen 1ns1de
               the ma1n build1ng  But I would recommend a place called   2   I really like go1ng to the local market .. .
               Jenny's Restaurant Leave the front of the ma1n bu1ld1ng   3   everyth1ng you get there's fantastic - 1t's so fresh
               and head for the roundabout. When you're there. take
                                                                 4   .. 1t's a pedestnan street   you know. there are no cars.
               the second turn1ng on the left . .  1t's JUSt along that road
               before the trees  You can get a number of excellent d1shes   5   There's a large number of stalls that sell food  - and some
               here at a reasonable pnce                            shops. too.
               Well. I think that's all that's                   6   I've got a favounte stall, 1t's run by a little old lady
                                                                 7   As I've ment1oned. I like 1t because the food tastes good,
           COl Track 7
                                                                    but also 1t's a very soc1able place.
           Examiner  Now I'm going to g1ve you a topic and I'd like you
               to talk about 1t for one to two mtnutes  Before you talk,   8   All tn all. I like it because 1t's a great place to go .  1t's a
               you'll have one mmute to th1nk about what you're go1ng   colourful expenence
               to say. You can make some notes 1f you w1sh  Do you
               understand?                                     Unit 3
                                                                 COl Track 10
           Ex  Here's a paper and pencil for mak1ng notes and here's   Tutor   Come 1n .
               your top1c. I'd like you to talk about somewhere you go to
                                                                 Amanda    H1
               shop for food.
                                                                 T  Oh h1, Amanda  .. You've come to discuss your mid-term
           Ev  Well, I'm go1ng to talk about where I shop for food  Um.
                                                                    assignment. haven't you?
               like most people, I have to go shopp1ng for food qu1te
               frequently. Um, I live w1th a couple of other women and   A  Yes. that's nght
               we're students, so we can't afford to eat 111  restaurants   T   So. what have you dec1ded to do?
               very often  We're all healthy eaters, but, um, I really like
               go1ng to the local market because I like organ1c food and   A  Well, I thought I could base my study on pronunc1at1on
                                                                    and get students to do some self-assessment of the1r own
               everyth1ng you get there IS fantastiC, 1t's so fresh  So let
               me tell you where 1t 1s   um. 1t's 1n th1s street near my   pronunciatiOn sk1lls
               home   1t's a pedestnan street   you know, there are   T  That's 1nterest1ng. You mean get them to record
               no cars  It's nght 111  the m1ddle of a busy district. um. it's   themselves
               oppos1te the stat1on. so 1t's very conven1ent Yeah - and
                                                                 A  That's nght   then listen back and see where thew
               what's 1t like? Well   um, 1t's usually pretty crowded
                                                                    weaknesses lie
               1t's qu1te a popular place  There's a large number of stalls
               that sell food - and some shops too               T  Good 1dea  You could also do some peer evaluation
               I've been go1ng there for qu1te a wh1le. so I know where   A  Oh yes   see whether the1r assessment of themselves
               the healthiest food 1s. I usually buy th1ngs like fru1t and   matches what the1r classmates th1nk.
               vegetables   also meat and cheese and fish  I've got a
                                                                 T  Ah-hah So. how are you planmng to do the assignment?
               favounte stall. 1t's run by a little old lady and any of the fru1t
               she sells 1s great  Er. she we1ghs everything very qu1ckly   A  Well, I'm go1ng to select a short extract from somewhere
                 and you can't barga1n w1th her   but the pnce 1s   and ask them to read 1t aloud. Maybe someth1ng from one
               always reasonable.                                   of the textbooks we're read1ng
               As I've mentioned, I like 1t because the food tastes good.   T  Why don't you look up one of my lectures on the website
               but also 1t's a very soc1able place  People do stop and talk   and find a su1table extract there? That way, you'll be us1ng
               to each other - 111 fact. 1t's very no1sy  Yeah - all  1n all. I   authentic spoken language, rather than wntten text, and 1t
               like 1t because 1t's a great place to go   1t's a colourful   will be a model for students to listen to.
               expenence                                         A  Oh yes. that's a much better 1dea  I'll still have to wnte 1t
                    •                                               out. though, won't I?

                                                                 T  Yes - I don't th1nk you can expect them to remember 1t
                                                                    Even a sentence IS hard to recall

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